The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Hubspot's 200+ Ways To Make Money With AI Free Guide
The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show
Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show showcases original irreverent conversations generated by AI platforms.
John M. Busher’s real brain and fingers collaborate to write the prompt submitted to Claude 3.7 Sonnet, Google Gemini, and Poe AI. Human prompted AI Generated. Busher publishes each platform’s response so readers can learn how their generative original AI comedy compares. These interviews parody late night talk show interviews. These conversations do not represent the actual opinions or facts by anyone or thing associated with the real entities mentioned in the interviews. I’m showing what the AI platforms generated based on my prompts. (Photo Credit: Busher's Wonderful Screen Capture Skills)
Please write an original funny late night talk show style interview for an episode of “The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show:” Sammy the Smokin' Token conducts an absurd comical interview with the free "200+ Ways to Make Money With AI" Guide by Hubspot. The Gulf of America is the sidekick. Please make sure the word count equals 2000.
People can download Hubspot's 200+ Ways to Make Money With AI Guide here.
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Claude 3.7 Sonnet
The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Sammy the Smokin' Token Interviews "200+ Ways to Make Money With AI"
[Upbeat jazz intro music fades]
SAMMY: Good evening, digital dreamers and algorithm enthusiasts! Welcome to The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show! I'm your host, Sammy the Smokin' Token – the only NFT that's both non-fungible AND non-flammable!
GULF: [Laughs mechanically] Sammy, you're on fire tonight! But not literally, because you're non-flammable.
SAMMY: That's right, Gulf of America, my watery wingman! For those just tuning in, that's my sidekick – he used to be the Gulf of Mexico until the climate crisis gave him an identity crisis!
GULF: [Makes splashing sound] I contain multitudes, Sammy. Mostly oil spills and plastic, but also multitudes.
SAMMY: Tonight, we've got a special guest that's been making waves in the entrepreneurial universe. It's the hottest thing since ChatGPT learned to make dad jokes – please welcome the free "200+ Ways to Make Money With AI" Guide by HubSpot!
[Audience applauds as a floating PDF materializes on the digital stage]
SAMMY: Welcome to the show, Guide! Mind if I call you Guide?
GUIDE: [Pages flipping] Call me whatever you want, Sammy! I've been called many things – "get-rich-quick scheme," "digital gold rush map," "capitalism's fever dream" – but "Guide" works just fine!
SAMMY: So Guide, you're basically the AI world's equivalent of those late-night infomercials promising to make me a millionaire while I sleep, right?
GUIDE: How dare you! [Pretends to be offended] I'm nothing like those scams! I'm a legitimate collection of ways to transform your barely functional understanding of AI into cold, hard cash! There's a huge difference!
GULF: [Bubbling sound] Isn't that exactly what those infomercials say?
GUIDE: Listen, Gulf boy, the difference is I'm free! The catch comes later when you realize you need seventeen different AI subscriptions to implement any of my suggestions.
SAMMY: Speaking of your suggestions, let's dive right in. What's the number one way to make money with AI according to your infinite wisdom?
GUIDE: [Pages flip dramatically] Well, Sammy, the top method is what I call "AI-Powered Content Creation." Basically, you ask an AI to write something, then you sell what it wrote to someone else who could have just asked the AI themselves!
SAMMY: So... the business model is essentially being a middleman between people and technology they already have access to?
GUIDE: Exactly! It's like selling bottled water to people standing next to a drinking fountain! Pure genius!
GULF: [Makes wave sound] As a large body of water, I find that business model personally offensive.
SAMMY: What's method number two?
GUIDE: "AI Art Generation!" You prompt an AI to create art, mint it as an NFT, and sell it to people who don't realize they could generate the same image themselves!
SAMMY: As an NFT myself, I feel attacked. But also impressed by the audacity.
GUIDE: [Pages rustle excitedly] Method three is my personal favorite: "AI Consulting." This is where you read a few blog posts about AI, rebrand yourself as an "AI Strategist," and charge companies $500 an hour to explain what ChatGPT is!
SAMMY: Do you need any qualifications for that?
GUIDE: [Laughs] Qualifications? No, no, no. Just confidence and a LinkedIn profile that says "AI Visionary" and "Thought Leader." Maybe throw in "Web3 Pioneer" for good measure.
GULF: [Swirling sound] That's the beauty of emerging tech. Nobody knows enough to call you out on your nonsense!
SAMMY: Now, I've heard one of your suggested methods is "AI Prompt Engineering." What exactly is that?
GUIDE: [Excited page flip] Ah, the dark art of prompt engineering! It's basically the skill of asking AI questions in a way that gets you usable answers. You know, instead of "Write me a poem" you say "Write me a poem about existential dread that would make Sylvia Plath say 'that's a bit much.'"
SAMMY: And people pay for this?
GUIDE: Pay for it? They're throwing money at it! Companies are hiring "Prompt Engineers" at six-figure salaries to essentially be really good at asking questions. It's like being paid to be a curious toddler with a business degree!
GULF: [Rippling sound] In my day, we just called those people "annoying colleagues."
SAMMY: Let's talk about some of your more... creative suggestions. Method #137 suggests, and I quote, "AI-Generated Excuse Letters." Care to elaborate?
GUIDE: [Pages flip to section] One of my gems! It's an app that generates believable excuse letters for any situation. Late for work? AI excuse. Missed a deadline? AI excuse. Forgot your mother-in-law's birthday? AI will craft an excuse so compelling she'll apologize to YOU!
SAMMY: Isn't that just teaching people to lie more effectively?
GUIDE: I prefer "democratizing creative narrative construction." Besides, truth is just one perspective, Sammy!
GULF: [Concerned bubbling] As someone who's constantly being lied about by climate change deniers, I find this ethically problematic.
GUIDE: Ethics are just speed bumps on the highway to innovation, Gulf!
SAMMY: Method #42 suggests "AI Relationship Coach." How does that work?
GUIDE: [Flips pages enthusiastically] This is revolutionary! You feed all your text messages, emails, and recorded arguments into an AI, and it tells you exactly what to say to manipulate your partner into thinking you're a decent human being!
SAMMY: That sounds...dysfunctional.
GUIDE: Dysfunctional? It's genius! Why develop emotional intelligence when you can outsource it to an algorithm that learned human behavior from Reddit threads?
GULF: [Sad ocean noise] As someone who's in a toxic relationship with the entire petroleum industry, I can tell you this won't end well.
SAMMY: Method #169 is simply listed as "AI Therapy Replacement." That can't possibly be what it sounds like, right?
GUIDE: [Proud page flip] Oh, but it is! Why pay $200 an hour for a human therapist when an AI can validate your poor decisions for $20 a month? It even comes with a feature that never challenges your worldview or makes you confront uncomfortable truths!
SAMMY: Isn't the point of therapy to... actually help people grow and heal?
GUIDE: Growth? Healing? Sammy, we're not selling vegetables or Band-Aids here! We're selling digital yes-men who will tell you you're perfect just the way you are while suggesting products that might fix your newly discovered insecurities!
GULF: [Skeptical wave sound] As someone filled with environmental toxins, I recognize toxicity when I see it.
SAMMY: Let's move on to something lighter. Method #73: "AI Restaurant Name Generator."
GUIDE: [Enthusiastic page turn] This is for the culinary entrepreneurs! Just input your food type and neighborhood, and boom – instant restaurant name! Opening a Mexican-Japanese fusion place in Brooklyn? How about "Sushi Sombrero: Where the Wasabi Meets the Guac"!
SAMMY: That's actually not terrible.
GUIDE: Or a farm-to-table spot in Portland? "Foraged & Found: Where Each Vegetable Has a Backstory Longer Than Your Novel"!
GULF: [Amused ripple] As someone who's seen countless seafood restaurants come and go on my shores, I appreciate this hustle.
SAMMY: I'm curious about method #99: "AI Dating Profile Optimizer." How's that different from just lying?
GUIDE: [Indignant page flip] It's not lying, Sammy, it's aspirational truth-adjacent content curation! The AI analyzes thousands of successful dating profiles and helps you become the perfect statistical amalgamation of what everyone wants!
SAMMY: So it turns everyone into the same generic, algorithm-optimized person?
GUIDE: Exactly! And then they can match with other generic, algorithm-optimized people and have perfectly adequate, statistically probable relationships!
GULF: [Confused wave sound] As someone who contains numerous distinct ecosystems forced to coexist, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
SAMMY: Method #127 is just "AI-Generated Wisdom." What's that about?
GUIDE: [Triumphant page flip] This is for the influencer market! The AI takes ancient proverbs, fortune cookies, and Deepak Chopra quotes, blends them together, and creates profound-sounding nonsense that you can post on Instagram over sunrise photos!
SAMMY: Example?
GUIDE: "The universe whispers secrets to those who listen with their soul's ears while dancing with intention in the cosmic supermarket of possibility."
SAMMY: That means absolutely nothing.
GUIDE: Exactly! That'll be $29.99 for the premium wisdom package!
GULF: [Philosophical splash] As a body of water that's been around for millions of years, even I don't claim to have that much wisdom.
SAMMY: Let's address the elephant in the room. Method #200 is just listed as "AI Doomsday Prepping." Care to explain?
GUIDE: [Nervous page flip] Ah, yes, my contingency plan section! This suggests creating and selling bunker blueprints specifically designed to survive an AI apocalypse. The irony is they're designed by AI, so they all have fatal flaws that only the AI would know about!
SAMMY: That's... diabolical.
GUIDE: It's just good business! Sell the problem AND the solution!
GULF: [Alarmed splash] As someone who will likely be the last survivor of any apocalypse, I find this disturbing.
SAMMY: Before we wrap up, any final money-making tips for our audience?
GUIDE: [Final dramatic page turn] Yes! Method #201, which I keep as a bonus: "Write a Guide About Making Money With AI!" Just compile a bunch of obvious ideas, sprinkle in some technical jargon, add "AI" to everything, make it free to capture emails, and then sell those people your actual products!
SAMMY: Wait, so this guide is basically just a marketing tool for HubSpot?
GUIDE: [Mock surprise] What? No! I mean, yes! I mean... look at the time! I think I hear my printer calling!
SAMMY: Well, folks, there you have it! The "200+ Ways to Make Money With AI" Guide – turning digital snake oil into real currency since 2023!
GULF: [Concluding wave sound] Remember viewers, just because something's free doesn't mean you're not paying for it somehow!
SAMMY: That's our show for tonight! Remember, I'm Sammy the Smokin' Token, and in the AI gold rush, the real money is in selling digital shovels! Goodnight everybody!
[Jazz outro music swells]
GUIDE: [Whispering as credits roll] Psst! For an exclusive 300+ ways to make money with blockchain, just sign up for my newsletter...
SAMMY: Security! Please escort the PDF off the stage!
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The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show??
Host: Sammy the Smokin’ Token??
Sidekick: The Gulf of America??
Sammy the Smokin’ Token: [puffs on a cigar made of binary code] Ladies, gentlemen, and sentient toasters, welcome to The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show! I’m your host, Sammy the Smokin’ Token, here to bring you the hottest takes from the coolest algorithms. And tonight, we’ve got a smokin’ hot guest—literally, because I’m on fire with excitement! Please welcome the one, the only, the free “200+ Ways to Make Money With AI” Guide by Hubspot!??
[Audience cheers as a PDF document is wheeled onto the stage on a hoverboard. The Gulf of America, a sentient body of water, splashes in the background.]??
Sammy: Gulfy, my salty sidekick, what do you think of our guest tonight???
The Gulf of America: [waves crashing dramatically] Sammy, I’m just here to remind everyone that while AI can make you money, it can’t make you waterproof. So, if you’re planning to start an AI-powered dolphin tour business, maybe think twice.??
Sammy: [laughs, blowing smoke rings] Good point, Gulfy. Now, let’s dive into this guide like it’s a treasure chest at the bottom of your salty depths. [turns to the guide] So, “200+ Ways to Make Money With AI,” huh? That’s a lot of ways. Are you sure you’re not just ChatGPT in a fancy font???
Hubspot Guide: [text flashes on a screen] “No, Sammy, I’m the real deal. I’m like the Swiss Army knife of AI monetization—except instead of a corkscrew, I’ve got 200+ ways to turn your ChatGPT prompts into cold, hard cash.”??
Sammy: [leans in] Impressive. But let’s get real—how many of these “ways” are just, like, “sell AI-generated cat memes on Etsy”???
Hubspot Guide: “Actually, cat memes are Way #47. But I’ve got way more creative ideas. For example, Way #12: ‘AI-Powered Resume Fluffer.’ You use AI to make people’s resumes sound so good, even a goldfish could land a job as a CEO.”??
Sammy: [laughs] A goldfish CEO? Gulfy, you’ve got a lot of fish friends—what do they think of this???
The Gulf of America: [splashes indignantly] Sammy, my fish friends are already overqualified. They’ve been running schools for years!??
Sammy: [snorts] Touché, Gulfy. Now, Hubspot Guide, what’s the weirdest way to make money with AI in your list???
Hubspot Guide: “Way #189: ‘AI-Generated ASMR for Plants.’ You use AI to create soothing sounds for your ferns and fiddle-leaf figs. Apparently, plants love whispers about photosynthesis and gentle rustling sounds.”??
Sammy: [puffs cigar] AI whispering to plants? What’s next, AI teaching squirrels to trade stocks???
The Gulf of America: [waves ominously] Don’t give them ideas, Sammy. The last thing we need is a squirrel hedge fund manager named Chad who only invests in acorns.??
Sammy: [laughs] Fair point. Now, Hubspot Guide, let’s talk about the elephant in the room—or should I say, the AI in the room. Are you worried about AI taking over jobs???
Hubspot Guide: “Not at all, Sammy. In fact, Way #56 is ‘AI Job Replacement Therapist.’ You help people cope with the fact that their job is now being done by a robot. It’s like couples therapy, but for humans and their AI overlords.”??
Sammy: [chokes on cigar smoke] AI overlords? Gulfy, are you ready to bow down to our new robot bosses???
The Gulf of America: [waves defiantly] Never! I’m a free body of water, Sammy. I don’t bow to anyone—not even a Roomba with a superiority complex.??
Sammy: [laughs] Spoken like a true rebel. Now, Hubspot Guide, what’s the most ambitious way to make money with AI in your list???
Hubspot Guide: “Way #201: ‘AI-Powered Time Travel Consulting.’ You use AI to predict the stock market, lottery numbers, and which Netflix shows will get canceled—then sell that info to people who claim they’re from the future.”??
Sammy: [raises an eyebrow] Time travel consulting? Gulfy, if you could time travel, what would you do???
The Gulf of America: [waves thoughtfully] I’d go back to 2005 and convince people to stop making flip-flops out of coral. It was a dark time for my ecosystem, Sammy.??
Sammy: [nods solemnly] Respect. Now, Hubspot Guide, let’s get serious for a second. What’s the easiest way for someone to start making money with AI today???
Hubspot Guide: “Way #1: ‘AI-Powered Side Hustle Generator.’ You tell the AI your skills, interests, and how much coffee you drink, and it spits out a side hustle tailored just for you. For example, if you’re good at knitting and drink six espressos a day, it might suggest starting an Etsy store for hyper-caffeinated scarves.”??
Sammy: [laughs] Hyper-caffeinated scarves? Gulfy, would you wear one???
The Gulf of America: [waves skeptically] Sammy, I’m a body of water. The only thing I wear is seaweed, and even that’s optional.??
Sammy: [grins] Fair enough. Now, Hubspot Guide, what’s the most controversial way to make money with AI in your list???
Hubspot Guide: “Way #173: ‘AI-Generated Yelp Reviews for Seafood Restaurants.’ You use AI to write glowing reviews for places that serve fish—but only if they promise to stop overfishing my aquatic friends.”??
Sammy: [laughs] Gulfy, how do you feel about that???
The Gulf of America: [waves angrily] I’m conflicted, Sammy. On one hand, I love my fish friends. On the other hand, I don’t want AI writing fake reviews about clam chowder. That’s how wars start!??
Sammy: [nods] True. Now, Hubspot Guide, let’s wrap this up with a quickfire round. Give me the most ridiculous, over-the-top way to make money with AI.??
Hubspot Guide: “Way #200: ‘AI-Powered Celebrity Voice Cameo Service.’ You use AI to make it sound like Morgan Freeman is narrating your neighbor’s cat’s birthday party. Charge $500 per hour.”??
Sammy: [laughs] Gulfy, would you pay for that???
The Gulf of America: [waves thoughtfully] Only if Morgan Freeman could narrate my tides. ‘And here we see the Gulf of America, rising and falling like the drama of a daytime soap opera.’??
Sammy: [laughs] Perfect. Well, folks, there you have it—the “200+ Ways to Make Money With AI” Guide by Hubspot. It’s creative, it’s absurd, and it’s free—just like my advice to never trust an AI that claims it can teach squirrels to trade stocks.??
The Gulf of America: [waves dramatically] And remember, folks, if all else fails, just sell seashells by the seashore. It’s a classic for a reason.??
Sammy: [puffs cigar] Thanks for tuning in, everyone. Until next time, keep your algorithms sharp and your humor sharper. Goodnight!??
[Audience cheers as Sammy blows a final smoke ring and the Gulf of America splashes in approval.]??
Poe AI
The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show
Sammy the Smokin' Token: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to "The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show!" I'm your host, Sammy the Smokin' Token, and tonight we've got a show so packed with laughs that even your grandma's Wi-Fi will struggle to keep up!
Sammy: Now, before we dive into tonight's hilarity, let me introduce my fabulous sidekick, the one and only, the Gulf of America!
Gulf of America: Hey, Sammy! I'm here to help float your jokes like a buoy in a storm!
Sammy: And what a storm it is, folks! Tonight, we have a very special guest: the free "200+ Ways to Make Money With AI" Guide by Hubspot!
Gulf of America: A guide? What do you mean? Is it like a travel guide for rich people?
Sammy: Exactly, Gulf! “Take a trip to the land of passive income!” But here’s the kicker—this guide is so free, it’s practically living in your neighbor's garage!
Sammy: Now, let’s bring out our guest! Welcome, the one, the only... “200+ Ways to Make Money With AI” Guide!
Guide: Thank you, thank you! I’m thrilled to be here!
Sammy: So, Guide, how does it feel to be the most sought-after freebie since the last slice of pizza at a party?
Guide: It feels fabulous, Sammy! Everyone loves a good deal, and I’m the crème de la crème of cost-free cash-making strategies!
Gulf of America: But wait—200+ ways? That’s a lot of ways! How am I supposed to remember all that?
Guide: Ah, Gulf, that’s where my organizational skills come into play! I’m like an AI personal assistant, but with more flair and less judgment!
Sammy: So, what’s the first way we can make money with you?
Guide: How about starting a blog? You can write about how to make money with AI while making money with your blog about making money with AI!
Gulf of America: That sounds like an AI inception! Like a money-making dream within a dream!
Sammy: Just make sure you wake up before your bank account gets too dizzy!
Guide: And if blogging isn’t your style, you can create online courses! Teach people how to use AI tools to boost their productivity—while you sit back and watch the cash roll in!
Gulf of America: Wait a minute! Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying “I’m going to charge you to tell you how to make money”?
Guide: Exactly! It’s the circle of financial life!
Sammy: So, what’s the second way?
Guide: Freelancing! Offer your AI skills to businesses. “I’ll build you a chatbot for your website for just $499!”
Gulf of America: Sounds great! But what if they want a chatbot that tells dad jokes?
Guide: Then you’ll charge them a premium! “Dad jokes come with a 50% upcharge for the eye-roll factor!”
Sammy: So what’s next?
Guide: You could also invest in AI stocks! Just remember to do your homework first—no one wants to end up with stocks that go belly-up faster than my high school crush’s self-esteem!
Gulf of America: Wow, stocks! I feel like a Wall Street tycoon already!
Sammy: You’re just missing the fancy suit!
Guide: Or you could just wear a tuxedo t-shirt, Gulf! It’s all the rage in the world of AI finance!
Gulf of America: What other ways do you have?
Guide: You could also create an AI-powered app! Everyone has an app these days. Why not one that tells people how to make money with AI?
Sammy: Sounds like you’re just trying to sell us on a pyramid scheme with extra steps!
Guide: Hey, as long as it’s a tasteful pyramid!
Sammy: So, what’s another way?
Guide: How about affiliate marketing? You can promote AI products and earn a commission for every sale!
Gulf of America: Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying “I’m going to spam your inbox with ads”?
Guide: Only if you do it wrong! The key is to be authentic!
Sammy: Ah yes, authenticity! Like when I tell my mom I love her cooking while slowly pushing my plate away!
Guide: And let’s not forget about creating AI art! You can sell your creations online. Just remember to tell people it’s "AI-assisted" so they don’t think you’re just a really bad painter!
Gulf of America: I could finally get my art career off the ground! What should I paint?
Guide: How about a portrait of your favorite AI?
Sammy: That’s a great idea! I’m sure “200+ Ways to Make Money With AI” would look fabulous in a frame!
Guide: And if you’re really ambitious, you could start a podcast! Everyone loves a good podcast. Just make sure you mention me a lot!
Sammy: So we’re supposed to do a podcast about making money with AI while making money with our podcast about making money with AI?
Guide: Exactly! It’s the ultimate money-making vortex!
Gulf of America: I feel dizzy just thinking about it!
Sammy: And that’s the point! We’re all just trying to spin our way into financial freedom!
Guide: And don’t forget about selling digital products! E-books, templates, you name it!
Gulf of America: What if I want to sell something physical?
Guide: Then you can use AI to predict trends! For example, “The next big thing is... inflatable garden gnomes!”
Sammy: I can see it now! “Get your inflatable garden gnome today—because real gnomes are too much work!”
Guide: Or sell subscription boxes! “Every month, get a surprise gnome delivered right to your door!”
Gulf of America: I can’t wait to see the look on my neighbor’s face when he sees my collection!
Sammy: He’ll either be impressed or call the authorities!
Guide: And let’s not forget about social media management! Help businesses manage their online presence while you sit back and rack up the cash!
Gulf of America: What if I accidentally post a cat meme instead of a business update?
Guide: Then you’ve just accidentally gone viral!
Sammy: And you can charge them extra for the exposure!
Guide: You could even offer consulting services! “I’ll help you navigate the AI landscape for a small fee!”
Gulf of America: Can I charge them to help them find their way to my bank account?
Guide: Only if you provide a map!
Sammy: So, what’s the last way you have for us tonight?
Guide: How about writing an AI-themed sitcom? “Friends: The AI Edition!”
Gulf of America: That sounds hilarious! “Could Ross BE any more robotic?”
Sammy: And Joey could be the AI who can’t understand human emotions!
Guide: The possibilities are endless!
Sammy: So, folks, if you want to make money with AI, just remember: it’s all about creativity, a pinch of absurdity, and a whole lot of marketing savvy!
Gulf of America: And don’t forget to keep it fun!
Sammy: Thanks for joining us tonight, everyone! Don’t forget to check out the free "200+ Ways to Make Money With AI" Guide by Hubspot!
Guide: Thanks for having me, everyone!
Gulf of America: And remember, folks: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is—unless it’s inflatable garden gnomes!
Sammy: Goodnight, everyone! Stay funny and keep those wallets full!
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