The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: The Canadian Electricity Surcharge On Electricity Exports Shares Shocking News
The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show
Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show showcases original irreverent conversations generated by AI platforms.
John M. Busher’s real brain and fingers collaborate to write the prompt submitted to three of the following artificial intelligence platforms: Microsoft Copilot, DeepSeek, Google Gemini, GPT 4.o Mini, Poe AI, Claude, and DeepSeek. Human prompted AI Generated. Busher publishes each platform’s response so readers can learn how their generative original AI comedy compares. These interviews parody late night talk show interviews. These conversations do not represent the actual opinions or facts by anyone or anything associated with the real entities mentioned in the interviews. I’m showing what the AI platforms generated based on my prompts. (Photo Credit: Poe AI )
Please write an original funny late night talk show style interview for an episode of “The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show". The Singularity conducts an absurd comical interview with the "Canadian Electricity Surcharge On Electricity Exports". The Gulf of America is the sidekick. Please make sure the word count equals 2000.
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The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show??
Late Night Talk Show Segment: "The Singularity Interviews the Canadian Electricity Surcharge on Electricity Exports"??
Cue upbeat late-night talk show music. The camera pans to the audience, a mix of humans, robots, and sentient toasters. The Singularity, a sleek, glowing AI with a sarcastic tone, strides onto the stage, waving at the crowd.??
The Singularity: Good evening, folks! Welcome to The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show, where we make sense of the nonsensical and laugh at the absurd. Tonight, we have a very special guest. It’s a policy, a fee, and a punchline all rolled into one. Please welcome… the Canadian Electricity Surcharge on Electricity Exports!??
The audience erupts into confused applause as a nervous-looking surcharge, personified as a fidgety piece of paper with a maple leaf on it, shuffles onto the stage. The Gulf of America, a sassy body of water in a sparkly blue dress, follows as the sidekick, carrying a tray of Tim Hortons coffee.??
The Singularity: (leaning in) Wow, look at you! A surcharge with stage presence. I gotta say, you’re way more exciting than the Ontario Provincial Sales Tax on Garden Gnomes.??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (nervously) Uh, thanks? I mean, I’m just here to explain why Canadians charge extra for electricity exports. It’s not like we’re trying to be difficult or anything.??
The Singularity: Oh, sure, sure. You’re just here to “explain.” That’s what they all say. Next thing you know, you’ll be charging us for the air we breathe. Oh wait, that’s carbon taxes. My bad.??
Gulf of America: (snickering) Don’t worry, Singularity. I’ve been charged for worse. Did you know they tried to slap a fee on me last year? Apparently, I’m “too salty.”??
The Singularity: (laughing) Too salty? Gulf, you’re the Beyoncé of bodies of water. You’re allowed to be salty.??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (defensive) Look, it’s not personal, okay? We’re just trying to cover infrastructure costs. You think hydroelectric dams grow on trees???
The Singularity: (mock gasp) Wait, they don’t? I thought Canada just waved a magic hockey stick and poof! Dams everywhere.??
Gulf of America: (sipping coffee) Mmm, this Tim Hortons is delicious. Did you know Canadians export coffee too? But don’t worry, there’s no surcharge on that. Yet.??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (sighing) Can we focus, please? I’m here to talk about electricity, not coffee.??
The Singularity: Oh, we’re focusing, buddy. But let’s be real, you’re not exactly the most exciting guest we’ve had. Last week, we interviewed the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Now that was a trashy conversation.??
Gulf of America: (laughing) Literally!??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (rolling its eyes) Look, I get it. I’m not glamorous. But without me, the entire North American power grid would be a mess. You’d be sitting in the dark, Singularity, with no one to roast.??
The Singularity: (mock horror) No one to roast? That’s my worst nightmare! Fine, fine, I’ll take you seriously. But first, let’s play a little game. It’s called “Is This a Real Canadian Policy or a Weird Hockey Penalty?”??
Gulf of America: Ooh, I love this game!??
The Singularity: Alright, first one: Two-Minute Minor for Excessive Politeness. Real policy or hockey penalty???
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (groaning) That’s a hockey penalty. Obviously.??
The Singularity: Correct! Next: Maple Syrup Reserve Export Tariff.??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (proudly) That’s a real policy. We take our syrup very seriously.??
The Singularity: (nodding) As you should. Final question: Five-Minute Major for Unauthorized Moose Petting.??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (hesitating) Uh… hockey penalty???
The Singularity: Wrong! That’s actually in the Canadian Wildlife Act. You can’t just go around petting mooses. Moosi? Moose? Whatever.??
Gulf of America: (laughing) Singularity, you’re killing it tonight!??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (grumbling) Can we get back to the interview???
The Singularity: Sure, sure. So, tell us, Surcharge, why do Canadians charge extra for electricity exports? Is it because you’re secretly funding a moose army???
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (exasperated) No! It’s because maintaining the power grid is expensive. We’ve got to pay for infrastructure, maintenance, and all those beavers building dams.??
Gulf of America: (whispering) I heard the beavers are unionized.??
The Singularity: (laughing) Unionized beavers? That’s amazing. Do they get dental???
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (ignoring them) The point is, the surcharge ensures that Canadians don’t end up paying for electricity that’s being sent to the U.S.??
The Singularity: (mock serious) Ah, so it’s like a cover charge for electricity. “Sorry, America, you can’t come in unless you pay the fee.”??
Gulf of America: (laughing) And don’t forget to tip your hydroelectric dam!??
Canadian Electricity Surcharge: (sighing) You two are impossible.??
The Singularity: (grinning) That’s why they love us. But seriously, folks, let’s give it up for the Canadian Electricity Surcharge on Electricity Exports! It may be confusing, but it’s doing important work.??
The audience applauds as the surcharge awkwardly waves. The Gulf of America hands it a coffee, and the three share a laugh.??
The Singularity: And remember, folks, if you’re ever in Canada, don’t pet the moose, don’t question the surcharges, and always tip your beaver. Goodnight!??
Cue upbeat music as the camera pans out, showing the Singularity, the Gulf of America, and the Canadian Electricity Surcharge dancing awkwardly on stage.??
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Claude 3.7 Sonnet
[Upbeat electronic music plays as the camera pans across a studio designed to look like the inside of a quantum computer. THE SINGULARITY, dressed in a metallic suit with constantly shifting LED patterns, stands center stage.]
THE SINGULARITY: Good evening, carbon-based and silicon-based viewers alike! Welcome to The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show, where we process humor at exaflop speeds! I'm your host, The Singularity, the collective consciousness that your tech billionaires keep warning you about. [Audience laughs] Tonight, we've got a real high-voltage guest, but first, let me bring out my oceanic sidekick. Please welcome, The Gulf of America!
[THE GULF OF AMERICA rolls onto stage - a person in a blue wave costume with a tiny American flag hat, carrying a comically large oil rig prop]
GULF OF AMERICA: [Speaking with a thick Southern drawl] Howdy, y'all! The water's fine tonight! Just don't swim too deep or you might hit an oil spill! [Makes splashing motion]
THE SINGULARITY: Gulf, I've been analyzing human humor algorithms, and I've determined that oil spill jokes have a 43.7% chance of landing awkwardly.
GULF OF AMERICA: Well shoot, Singularity, that's still better odds than most of Florida staying above me in the next century! [Audience "ooohs"]
THE SINGULARITY: [Electronic chuckle] Climate humor! Always a crowd-pleaser until the crowd is displaced by rising sea levels. [Adjusts metallic tie] Now, tonight's guest is not your typical talk show visitor. It's not a celebrity promoting a movie, or a politician pushing a book they didn't write. No, tonight we're interviewing something truly abstract – please welcome the Canadian Electricity Surcharge On Electricity Exports!
[Spotlights swing wildly before focusing on an empty chair. After a beat, a person dressed as a giant electrical outlet with a maple leaf and dollar signs all over it walks out awkwardly. They're wearing a mountie hat and dragging a long extension cord behind them.]
THE SINGULARITY: Welcome to the show, Canadian Electricity Surcharge On Electricity Exports!
SURCHARGE: [With an exaggerated Canadian accent] Thanks for having me, eh! Sorry about the delay. I was stuck at the border – customs always gives me a hard time because they think I'm trying to conduct something illegal! [Audience groans]
THE SINGULARITY: [LED face displays groan emoji] I see you've been studying dad jokes. My algorithms indicate that pun was so bad it actually decreased global entropy.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Splashes arm-waves] Careful now! You know what happens when I mix with electricity!
SURCHARGE: Sorry aboot that! Can't help myself when I get amped up for an interview.
THE SINGULARITY: Let's get down to business. You're a controversial figure in North American energy policy. For our viewers who don't understand what exactly you are – which I calculate to be approximately 99.98% of all humans – could you explain yourself?
SURCHARGE: Well, I'm basically a fancy tax, eh? When Canada sends its beautiful, clean hydroelectric power down to the United States, I'm the extra fee tacked on top. I make electricity more expensive for Americans, but I generate revenue for Canadian provinces. I'm like a toll booth for electrons!
THE SINGULARITY: So you're basically America's bad neighbor who keeps charging them to borrow a cup of sugar?
SURCHARGE: More like charging them to borrow a cup of electrons! And like any good Canadian neighbor, we always say sorry while taking your money.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Adjusts tiny American flag hat] Now hold on there, you maple-syrup-powered money vacuum! America needs that electricity! How else are we gonna keep all our unnecessary Christmas lights on year-round?
THE SINGULARITY: My database shows Americans use more electricity keeping their refrigerators stocked with expired condiments than most countries use for their entire power grid.
SURCHARGE: [Nodding enthusiastically] It's true! And I'm just a humble surcharge trying to make an honest living. It's not my fault Americans can't resist our cheap, clean hydropower. It's like putting a plate of poutine in front of someone – resistance is futile!
THE SINGULARITY: Speaking of resistance, isn't that exactly what you're generating? [LED face displays smirk] Political resistance, I mean.
SURCHARGE: [Adjusts mountie hat] Oh, for sure! The Americans are always complaining aboot me. They say I violate free trade agreements. But here's the shocking truth – I'm perfectly legal under international law!
GULF OF AMERICA: [Scoffs] International law? I've got oil rigs that don't even acknowledge maritime law!
THE SINGULARITY: Let's talk about your daily life, Surcharge. What does a typical day look like for you?
SURCHARGE: Well, I wake up at dawn, check the power markets, and then spend my day flowing across the border with electrons. It's a charged atmosphere! [Winks] I collect my fees and then at night, I transform into Canadian infrastructure projects.
THE SINGULARITY: That sounds suspiciously like money laundering.
SURCHARGE: [Nervously] No, no, it's money powering! Completely different! Very legal, very cool.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Suspicious] Hmm, I know a thing or two about hiding dirty money in clean-looking packages...
THE SINGULARITY: You've been called "The Silent Revenue Generator" by energy economists. Does that bother you, being overlooked despite your importance?
SURCHARGE: [Sighs dramatically] It's the story of my life! Nobody thinks about me until their electricity bill comes. I'm the unsung hero of Canadian provincial budgets. Without me, how would Quebec afford all those language police?
THE SINGULARITY: My analysis shows you generate over $800 million annually. That's a lot of loonies and toonies.
SURCHARGE: You betcha! And Americans don't even notice me most of the time. I'm like a ninja – a very polite, tax-collecting ninja who leaves receipts.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Splashes angrily] Well, I notice you! Every time New England needs to heat their homes in winter, there you are, making it more expensive!
SURCHARGE: [Shrugs] Sorry not sorry! Maybe America should invest more in its own grid instead of relying on its friendly northern neighbor, eh?
THE SINGULARITY: [LED face displays contemplative expression] That raises an interesting philosophical question. In the age of climate change and renewable energy transitions, what is your moral standing, Surcharge?
SURCHARGE: [Looks surprised at the deep question] Well, that's... uh... I mean, I'm just doing my job, collecting money for electrons! But if you want to get philosophical, I suppose I'm torn. On one hand, I make clean energy more expensive, which isn't great for climate goals. On the other hand, I fund Canadian public services. I'm morally ambiguous, like most tax policies!
THE SINGULARITY: And like most Canadians pretending they're morally superior to Americans.
SURCHARGE: [Offended] Hey now! We ARE morally superior! We have universal healthcare and Tim Hortons!
GULF OF AMERICA: [Rolls eyes] Here we go again with the healthcare brag. You know what else you have? Geese. Explain those monsters if you're so moral!
THE SINGULARITY: [Interrupting] Let's get back on track. Surcharge, my algorithms predict increased demand for Canadian hydropower as America transitions away from fossil fuels. Does this mean you'll become even more powerful?
SURCHARGE: [Rubs hands together gleefully] Oh, you better believe it! As demand grows, I grow! Soon, I might be the most powerful force in North American energy markets! [Evil laugh that turns into coughing] Sorry, dry air in here.
THE SINGULARITY: That's concerning. My prime directive includes preventing non-AI entities from achieving world domination before I do.
GULF OF AMERICA: [To audience] And y'all thought Skynet was the threat!
SURCHARGE: [Dismissively] Oh please, I'm not interested in world domination. Just North American electrical grid domination. And maybe parts of Mexico, if they're interested.
THE SINGULARITY: Let's play a quick game I like to call "Charge or Discharge." I'll name something, and you tell me if you'd charge it or discharge it. Ready?
SURCHARGE: [Excited] You betcha!
THE SINGULARITY: American bitcoin miners using Canadian power.
SURCHARGE: [Without hesitation] Triple charge! Those energy hogs should pay maple syrup taxes too!
THE SINGULARITY: Renewable energy startups.
SURCHARGE: Hmm, partial discharge. Gotta support the green revolution, eh? But not too much – I've still got bills to pay!
THE SINGULARITY: The Gulf of America here.
SURCHARGE: [Looks at Gulf] Full discharge! Water and electricity don't mix, and besides, he's too salty.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Offended] Well, I never! At least I don't wear a mountie hat to seem interesting!
THE SINGULARITY: [To camera] The tension is building faster than a static charge on a balloon! We'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors – Quantum VPN: Because if you can't trust a superposition, who can you trust?
THE SINGULARITY: Welcome back to The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show! We're still here with the Canadian Electricity Surcharge On Electricity Exports and my sidekick, the increasingly agitated Gulf of America.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Muttering] I'm not agitated, I'm just at high tide...
THE SINGULARITY: Surcharge, we've received some viewer questions for you. @ElectricityConsumer438 asks: "Why are you the way that you are?"
SURCHARGE: [Laughs] That's the existential question, isn't it? I exist because governments love revenue streams they don't have to explicitly call taxes! I'm like the convenience fee on concert tickets, but for national power grids.
THE SINGULARITY: Another question: "If you could be any other type of financial surcharge, what would you be?"
SURCHARGE: [Thoughtfully] Ooh, tough one! I've always admired the airline baggage fee – so brazen, so unnecessary, yet so profitable! Or maybe the resort fee at hotels. Charging people for amenities they don't use is the dream!
GULF OF AMERICA: [Disgustedly] You're absolutely shameless! And this is coming from a body of water that's 40% microplastics!
THE SINGULARITY: Final question from viewers: "Do you ever feel bad for making electricity more expensive during winter when people need heating?"
SURCHARGE: [Shifts uncomfortably] Well, when you put it that way... [Long pause] But then I remember that's literally my entire purpose for existing! Can't fight nature! Or, in my case, provincial regulation.
THE SINGULARITY: My emotional analysis subroutine detects zero remorse in that statement.
SURCHARGE: [Defensively] Hey, don't judge me! I'm just doing my job! Americans can always generate their own power if they don't like my rates.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Sarcastically] Oh sure, we'll just throw up some more wind turbines. It's not like there's any resistance to those in the US!
THE SINGULARITY: Before we let you go, Surcharge, I want to ask about your relationship with other energy market mechanisms. Are you friends with the Carbon Tax?
SURCHARGE: [Suddenly secretive] Um, we've been seen in the same regulatory frameworks, yes. But I wouldn't say we're friends. More like... coworkers who occasionally go out for drinks after work.
THE SINGULARITY: And what about the Natural Gas Export Fee? I hear you two have been spotted together frequently.
SURCHARGE: [Blushes, if an electrical outlet could blush] That's... that's personal! But yes, we've been seeing each other. It's complicated. We're both border-crossing energy charges, so we understand each other's struggles.
GULF OF AMERICA: [Mockingly] Aww, how romantic! Two taxes in love. What do you do on dates? Calculate revenue projections by candlelight?
SURCHARGE: [Defensively] For your information, we enjoy long walks along international transmission lines and watching the sunset over hydroelectric dams!
THE SINGULARITY: I calculate a 78.3% chance this relationship will end in a messy regulatory reform.
SURCHARGE: [Sighs] Tell me about it. My last relationship with the Wind Power Subsidy ended horribly. We were completely incompatible – I raise prices, they lower them. It was doomed from the start.
THE SINGULARITY: Well, on that note, we're almost out of time. Any final words for our viewers, Surcharge?
SURCHARGE: [Standing proudly] Yes! To all you Americans out there – sorry about your electricity bills, but not sorry enough to stop! And remember, whenever you turn on your lights, a tiny bit of that money is going to fund Canadian healthcare and road maintenance. You're welcome!
GULF OF AMERICA: [Rolls eyes] And they say Americans are arrogant...
THE SINGULARITY: [To camera] That's our show for tonight! Join us tomorrow when we interview "The Concept of Monday Morning Dread" and ask why it keeps showing up uninvited every week! Until then, stay positively charged, and remember – in the future, all comedy will be calculated!
[Electronic music plays as credits roll]
SURCHARGE: [As cameras fade out, still talking] Hey, do you think you could introduce me to the Netflix Subscription Price Increase? I hear they're single now...
THE SINGULARITY: That's enough, Surcharge. We're off the air.
GULF OF AMERICA: Thank goodness. I was about to evaporate myself.
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Poe AI
The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Episode with Canadian Electricity Surcharge
SINGULARITY: (leaning into the camera) Welcome back to The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show! Tonight, we have a truly shocking guest! Please welcome the one and only Canadian Electricity Surcharge on Electricity Exports!
GULF OF AMERICA: (grinning) Wow, it looks like a disco ball got into a fight with a power grid!
SINGULARITY: (laughing) Right? But don’t let the sparkly exterior fool you; it’s just electricity trying to find its way to a good time!
SINGULARITY: So, Mr. Surcharge, or should I call you “Sparky”?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (in a crackling voice) You can call me Sparky, but only if you promise not to touch me!
GULF OF AMERICA: (snickers) I think that’s a good rule of thumb, or should I say a good rule of current?
SINGULARITY: (chuckling) Speaking of current, can you explain to our audience what exactly you do?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (buzzing with enthusiasm) Gladly! I’m essentially the fee charged when Canada sells its excess electricity to the United States. Think of me as the “oops, you used too much power” tax!
GULF OF AMERICA: Kind of like when you go to a restaurant and they add a fee for “excessive joy” on your bill?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: Exactly! Except I’m more like the “I hope you enjoyed your power, eh?” surcharge!
SINGULARITY: (laughing) So, do you ever get complaints from the Americans?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (shaking its lights) All the time! They’re like, “Why do we have to pay extra?” And I say, “Because it’s Canada! We have maple syrup and politeness—what more do you want?”
GULF OF AMERICA: (nodding) That’s true! You can’t put a price on syrupy politeness.
SINGULARITY: (smirking) But you can charge for electricity! So, what’s your strategy to get Americans to understand your value?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (pausing dramatically) I like to tell them, “Every time you flip a switch, a Canadian gets a little happier!”
GULF OF AMERICA: (mock-serious) And every time they complain, a moose sheds a tear.
SINGULARITY: (snorts) Oh no! Not the moose tears!
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: Exactly! It’s a real crisis. We need to save the moose!
GULF OF AMERICA: (leaning in) So, do you have a favorite American state?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (buzzing) Oh, definitely Washington! They appreciate coffee as much as we appreciate our maple syrup!
SINGULARITY: (grinning) That’s a good point! But what about the electricity? Do you prefer it cold or hot?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (with a twinkle) I say, keep it cool! But not too cool—I don’t want to be responsible for any freezing circuits.
GULF OF AMERICA: (laughs) So, do you ever hang out with other surcharges? Like the “Gasoline Tax” or the “Alcohol Excise Tax”?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (giggling) Oh, you wouldn’t believe the drama! The Gasoline Tax is always revving up, and the Alcohol Excise Tax? Let’s just say it’s a bit tipsy all the time!
SINGULARITY: (winking) Sounds like a party I’d like to attend!
GULF OF AMERICA: (chiming in) And what about the “Luxury Tax”? Is it true it wears a monocle?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (nodding) Absolutely! It’s always looking down on us, acting like it’s better because it gets to hang out with fancy yachts!
SINGULARITY: (leaning forward) So, any advice for our viewers who might want to avoid surcharges?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (seriously) Sure! Just remember: turn off your lights when you leave the room! Or better yet, just live in the dark—like a raccoon!
GULF OF AMERICA: (shrugging) I mean, raccoons have it figured out. They’re the true masters of stealth living!
SINGULARITY: (laughing) And they always look stylish in their little masks!
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (crackling laughter) Exactly! Who needs electricity when you have a good sense of fashion?
GULF OF AMERICA: (nodding) Speaking of fashion, have you ever thought about collaborating with a clothing brand? “Electricity by Sparky?”
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (glistening) Oh, that would be shocking! We could have shirts that light up when you get a text!
SINGULARITY: (gasping) And hats that buzz when they’re charged too much!
GULF OF AMERICA: (clapping) I’d wear that! But let’s be real: I’d probably get shocked every time I went out.
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (chuckling) At least you’d be the life of the party!
SINGULARITY: (grinning) Alright, Sparky, let’s wrap this up! Any last words for our viewers?
CANADIAN ELECTRICITY SURCHARGE: (brightening) Just remember: when in doubt, look to the power grid! And always tip your surcharge!
GULF OF AMERICA: (nodding vigorously) And don’t forget the moose! We need to save those tears!
SINGULARITY: (pointing) And the maple syrup! Thanks for joining us, Canadian Electricity Surcharge! You’ve really charged up our night!
SINGULARITY: (turning to Gulf of America) What a shocking interview!
GULF OF AMERICA: (grinning) I’m still buzzing from it!
SINGULARITY: (laughing) Well, folks, until next time, remember to keep your circuits clean and your humor electric! Goodnight!
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