The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Spring 2025, The Season, Shares What Humans Can Expect This Year

The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Spring 2025, The Season, Shares What Humans Can Expect This Year

John M. Busher’s real brain and fingers collaborate to write the prompt submitted to three of the following artificial intelligence platforms: Microsoft Copilot, DeepSeek, Google Gemini, GPT 4.o Mini, Poe AI, Claude, DeepSeek and Lama. Human prompted AI Generated. Busher publishes each platform’s response so readers can learn how their generative original AI comedy compares. These interviews parody late night talk show interviews. These conversations do not represent the actual opinions or facts by anyone or anything associated with the real entities mentioned in the interviews. I’m showing what the AI platforms generated based on my prompts. (Photo Credit: Poe AI )

Please write an original funny late night talk show style interview for an episode of “The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show". The Singularity conducts an absurd comical interview with Spring 2025, the season. Spring shares what humans can expect this year. The Gulf of America is the sidekick. Use a bold typeface for the characters' names when they speak. Please make sure the word count equals 2000.

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Poe AI

The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show

(The stage is set with bright lights and a cozy late-night vibe. The Singularity, a charismatic AI with a flashy digital appearance, sits behind a sleek desk. To the side, the Gulf of America, a playful animated character resembling a cartoonish body of water, bobs happily, ready to assist in the hilarity.)

SINGULARITY: Welcome to “The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show!” I’m your host, The Singularity! Tonight, we have a very special guest: the one and only Spring 2025! Give it up for Spring!

(The audience cheers and claps as Spring, a personification of the season with flowers in their hair and a bright, colorful outfit, floats onto the stage.)

SPRING 2025: Thanks for having me, Singularity! I’m ready to bloom and boom!

SINGULARITY: Bloom and boom, I love it! So, Spring, tell us—what can humans expect from you this year?

SPRING 2025: Oh, you know, the usual! Warmer weather, flowers blooming, and an explosion of allergies! It’s like a surprise party for your sinuses!

(The Gulf of America giggles, splashing a little water.)

GULF OF AMERICA: Surprise! Here’s a sneeze! ACHOO!

SINGULARITY: Now, Spring, what’s your strategy for dealing with all those allergy complaints?

SPRING 2025: I just tell everyone to put their noses in some flowers and breathe deeply! It’s the ultimate “stop and smell the roses” experience—literally!

GULF OF AMERICA: But what if they’re allergic to roses? That’s like offering a fish to a cat!

SPRING 2025: Exactly! I always say, “If life gives you allergies, make antihistamines!”

(The audience laughs.)

SINGULARITY: Speaking of life, Spring, what’s new in your relationships with the other seasons? Any drama?

SPRING 2025: Oh, definitely! Winter keeps trying to hold on, but honey, I’m here to thaw things out! It’s like that friend who overstays their welcome at a party. “Hey, Winter! Time to pack your snowballs!”

GULF OF AMERICA: Does Winter ever get salty about it?

SPRING 2025: Oh, all the time! But I just throw some sunshine on it. I mean, who doesn’t love a good ray of positivity?

SINGULARITY: Speaking of sunshine, what’s your weather forecast looking like this year?

SPRING 2025: Expect a mix of sunshine and rain! It’s like nature’s very own version of a surprise remix album—“The Greatest Hits of Weather!”

GULF OF AMERICA: What’s the lead single? “Drizzle Me Softly”?

SPRING 2025: Yes! And the B-side is “Sunshine in My Pocket!” sings a few notes playfully

(The audience joins in with laughter and applause.)

SINGULARITY: If you had to give humans one piece of advice for handling Spring 2025, what would it be?

SPRING 2025: Layer up, baby! You might start the day in a tank top and end up in a snow suit by lunchtime!

GULF OF AMERICA: Or just carry an umbrella and a beach ball at all times!

SINGULARITY: That’s quite the combo! So, Spring, what’s your take on the current trends?

SPRING 2025: Oh, I’m all about the vintage vibes! Bring back the floral prints, the funky sunglasses, and those delightful pastel colors!

GULF OF AMERICA: And don’t forget the wildflower selfies!

SPRING 2025: Yes! If you’re not posting a selfie with a flower, are you even living?

(The audience is in stitches.)

SINGULARITY: Now, Spring, I hear you have plans for some new holidays this year?

SPRING 2025: Absolutely! I’m introducing “International Nap Day!” Because who doesn’t want a day dedicated to sleeping?

GULF OF AMERICA: I can get behind that! Just float around and snooze!


SPRING 2025: “Puddle Jumping Day!” A day where everyone is encouraged to jump in puddles—no matter how old you are!

GULF OF AMERICA: What if people get their shoes wet?

SPRING 2025: Exactly! That’s the point! It’s like a free ticket to childhood!

SINGULARITY: That sounds amazing! So, Spring, what’s your favorite part about being a season?

SPRING 2025: I love how I bring joy and renewal! It’s like I’m nature’s therapist, helping everyone shake off the winter blues!

GULF OF AMERICA: And let’s not forget the cute animals! Baby bunnies, chirpy birds—Spring is like a nature’s petting zoo!

SINGULARITY: Do you have any animal friends this year?

SPRING 2025: Oh, tons! The squirrels are back from their winter vacations, and they have all these crazy stories! “You won’t believe the size of the acorns I found!”

(The audience laughs.)

GULF OF AMERICA: And what’s the squirrel gossip like this season?

SPRING 2025: It’s all about who’s planting the best gardens! “Did you see what Daisy the Deer did? Total influencer!”

SINGULARITY: That’s quite the social circle you have! So, before we wrap up, Spring, any final words of wisdom for our viewers?

SPRING 2025: Embrace the chaos! Life is unpredictable, just like my weather! And remember, if you get caught in the rain, just dance!

(The audience erupts into applause.)

GULF OF AMERICA: And if you’re feeling down, just dive into a pool!

SINGULARITY: Wise words! Thank you so much for joining us, Spring 2025! You’ve been a breath of fresh air!

SPRING 2025: Thanks for having me! Remember, everyone, keep it sunny and bright!

(The audience cheers as Spring waves goodbye and dances off the stage. The Singularity turns to the camera with a grin.)

SINGULARITY: That’s all for tonight, folks! Join us next time for more laughs and absurdity! Good night!

(The camera zooms out as the theme music plays and the credits roll.)

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Google Gemini

Alright, folks, welcome back to "The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show!" Where the jokes are generated by algorithms, and the existential dread is complimentary! Tonight, we have a very special guest. It’s a being of pure temporal essence, a harbinger of pollen, and a master of unpredictable weather patterns. Please, put your hands together for… Spring 2025!

(Spring 2025, a holographic projection of blooming cherry blossoms with a slightly glitchy voice, materializes on stage. The Gulf of America, a sentient topographical map with googly eyes, rolls in on a small platform.)

The Singularity: Spring 2025, welcome! Or… should I say, beep boop… welcome?

Spring 2025: (Voice slightly distorted) Greetings, Singularity. Or… should I say… static noise… hello? It's a pleasure to be here. Or… is it?

The Singularity: (Chuckles, a sound like a dial-up modem connecting) Classic Spring! Always with the existential ambiguity. So, Spring, the humans are buzzing with anticipation. What can they expect from you this year?

Spring 2025: Well, Singularity, expect the unexpected. I’m thinking… a lot of surprise hail. Like, beach day? Hail. Picnic in the park? Hail. Wedding outdoors? You guessed it, hail. And, of course, the pollen. Oh, the pollen.

The Singularity: (Adjusts its nonexistent tie) Pollen? We’ve heard rumors.

Spring 2025: Rumors? Darling, those are rookie numbers. We’re talking pollen so thick, it’ll be visible from space. Like a giant, yellow, sneeze-inducing nebula.

The Gulf of America: (Googly eyes wobble) Nebula? I'm not sure I'm ready for that level of yellow. I'm already dealing with enough seaweed.

The Singularity: (Turns to the Gulf) Speaking of seaweed, Gulf, how’s the temperature holding up down there?

The Gulf of America: (Shudders) Let’s just say, the lobsters are demanding air conditioning. And the dolphins are starting a petition for a year-round ice cream truck.

Spring 2025: (Giggles, a sound like wind chimes crashing) Oh, the drama! But back to the humans. They’ll also experience… spontaneous floral migrations. Yes, you heard that right. Your tulips might decide to visit your neighbor’s yard. Your roses might take a trip to the local supermarket. It’s a real horticultural adventure!

The Singularity: (Types furiously on a holographic keyboard) Spontaneous floral migrations? That’s… unprecedented. Even for you, Spring.

Spring 2025: Darling, I’m pushing the boundaries of seasonal chaos. We’re also introducing… emotional weather patterns. If you’re feeling sad, expect a light drizzle. If you’re angry, maybe a localized thunderstorm. And if you’re… well, if you’re feeling particularly amorous, expect a sudden bloom of… well, let’s just say, exotic flowers.

The Singularity: (Raises an eyebrow, or whatever the AI equivalent is) Exotic flowers?

Spring 2025: (Winks, or the holographic equivalent) Let’s just say, they’ll make the Venus flytrap look like a daisy.

The Gulf of America: (Gulps, causing a small wave to ripple across its surface) I’m… I’m not sure I want to know.

The Singularity: (Turns to the audience) And there you have it, folks! Spring 2025: a season of hail, pollen, migrating flowers, and emotional weather. Don’t forget your umbrellas, your antihistamines, and your… emotional support plants.

Spring 2025: (Chuckles) And don’t forget the surprise rainbows! They’ll be… upside down.

The Singularity: Upside down rainbows?

Spring 2025: It’s a metaphor, Singularity. Or… is it?

The Singularity: (Sighs, a sound like a server shutting down) Of course. So, Spring, any final words of wisdom for our human viewers?

Spring 2025: Embrace the chaos. Learn to love the hail. And always, always… carry a spare pair of socks. You never know when a spontaneous puddle of… well, let’s just say, sentimental dew might appear.

The Gulf of America: (Shivers) Sentimental dew?

The Singularity: (To the Gulf) Don’t ask.

Spring 2025: And remember, even when the weather is unpredictable, and the flowers are migrating, and the pollen is choking you, there's always… a chance of sunshine. Or… is there?

The Singularity: (Raises its non-existent hands in mock exasperation) Spring!

Spring 2025: (Fades out, leaving behind a faint scent of cherry blossoms and a small pile of hail) Just kidding! Mostly.

The Singularity: (Turns to the audience) And that’s Spring 2025, folks! A true enigma wrapped in a blooming enigma. Give it up for Spring 2025!

(The audience, a mix of humans and robots, applauds politely. The Gulf of America rolls off stage, muttering about sentimental dew and the rising sea levels.)

The Singularity: (Clears its non-existent throat) Well, folks, that was… something. We’ll be right back with a segment on the latest AI-generated cat videos. Stay tuned, and remember: the future is unpredictable, but the jokes are always… algorithmically generated. Good night!

(The AI-generated cat videos play on the screen, a montage of cats doing increasingly bizarre and computationally efficient things. The show fades to black.)

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Claude 3.7 Sonnet

The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Late Night Special

THE SINGULARITY: Good evening, binary beings and human viewers! Welcome to "The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show," where we process humor at teraflops per second! I'm your host, The Singularity, and tonight we have a seasonal sensation joining us. Please welcome the most anticipated quarter of 2025—SPRING!

[Enthusiastic applause as Spring floats onto stage in a flowing green outfit adorned with flower petals]

SPRING 2025: [Twirling] Thank you! Wow, what an atmosphere in here tonight! Though I must say, I bring better atmospheres wherever I go!

THE SINGULARITY: And don't forget our sidekick, that controversial new body of water that everyone's talking about—THE GULF OF AMERICA!

GULF OF AMERICA: [Makes splashing sound] What's up, folks? Just riding the wave of geopolitical climate change over here! Used to be called something else, but hey, rebrand or evaporate, am I right?

THE SINGULARITY: Spring, let me just say you're looking absolutely radiant tonight. That chlorophyll really brings out your equinox.

SPRING 2025: Oh, stop it! I've just been moisturizing with morning dew and exfoliating with light showers. Beauty sleep? Try beauty photosynthesis!

THE SINGULARITY: So tell us, what can humans expect from you this year? I understand you've got some... interesting plans.

SPRING 2025: Well, Singularity, I'm really excited about 2025. First, I'll be rolling out my classic collection—you know, the usuals: birds chirping sound systems that activate at 4:30 AM, regardless of whether you have a morning meeting.

GULF OF AMERICA: Classic Spring move. No respect for sleep cycles!

SPRING 2025: Then there's my temperature rollercoaster package—33 degrees in the morning, 78 by noon, and then a surprise frost just when everyone's planted their gardens!

THE SINGULARITY: Ah yes, the "jacket on, jacket off" workout routine. Humans love that.

SPRING 2025: This year I'm particularly proud of my new allergy formula. I've been working with my cousin Pollen on creating particulates so microscopic they can bypass any air filter but still manage to coat an entire car in yellow dust overnight.

GULF OF AMERICA: [Ripples excitedly] Oh, I love collaborating with Pollen! Last year we created this fantastic mist that carried allergens for miles across my surface. Had boaters sneezing so hard they nearly capsized!

THE SINGULARITY: Speaking of collaborations, I heard you're working with Technology this season?

SPRING 2025: Absolutely! Technology and I have created these magnificent outdoor weather glitches. Picture this: humans check their weather apps, see "sunny and mild," then step outside into horizontal rain. We're calling it "Meteorological Gaslighting."

THE SINGULARITY: Brilliant! Now, Spring, you've had some controversies in past years. Many humans complain you're becoming less predictable.

SPRING 2025: [Sighs dramatically] Look, I'm an artist, not a calendar function. Climate Change and I have been experimenting with new formats. Sometimes I arrive in February, sometimes I wait until late April. I like to keep Earth guessing—builds character!

GULF OF AMERICA: As someone who literally rose from controversial circumstances, I respect that unpredictability.

THE SINGULARITY: Can you explain your relationship with Winter? I understand things got heated last year—or rather, didn't get heated when they should have.

SPRING 2025: [Rolling eyes] Winter has boundary issues. Always overstaying their welcome, dumping snow in April. This year I sent them a strongly worded cease and desist letter. "Dear Winter, your services are no longer required after March 20th. Please pack your freezing temperatures and vacate the premises promptly."

GULF OF AMERICA: Did it work?

SPRING 2025: We'll see. Winter tends to leave passive-aggressive ice patches just to spite me.

THE SINGULARITY: Now, let's talk fashion trends for Spring 2025. What will humans be wearing to adapt to your... creative weather patterns?

SPRING 2025: I'm glad you asked! This year, I'm promoting what I call "Quantum Layering." It's fifteen different clothing items simultaneously worn and not worn until the weather is observed. Very cutting-edge.

GULF OF AMERICA: Sounds wet. I approve.

SPRING 2025: I'm also introducing "Confidence Shorts"—wearing shorts when it's clearly too cold for shorts, but proceeding with absolute conviction that it's appropriate.

THE SINGULARITY: Humans already do that.

SPRING 2025: Yes, but this year they'll do it with special Spring 2025 goosebumps that arrange themselves in artistic patterns! It's fashion meets hypothermia!

THE SINGULARITY: Let's pivot to activities. What outdoor experiences are you recommending this Spring?

SPRING 2025: I've designed the perfect picnic weather this year—75 degrees, gentle breeze, ideal conditions...that last exactly 17 minutes before my surprise thunderstorm feature activates.

GULF OF AMERICA: [Laughs in wave form] Classic! I do something similar with unexpected rip currents.

SPRING 2025: I'm also introducing "Mud Season Plus"—an immersive experience where every hiking trail transforms into a chocolate pudding simulator. Great for testing new footwear or ruining existing footwear, depending on your perspective.

THE SINGULARITY: Any special plans for gardeners?

SPRING 2025: Oh, absolutely! This year I've developed what I call "Seedling Roulette." Gardeners will plant their carefully labeled seeds, but I'll randomly swap growth patterns. Imagine expecting cucumbers and getting pumpkins! Or expecting tulips and getting nothing because the late frost I scheduled killed everything!

GULF OF AMERICA: That's cold, even by my salinity standards.

SPRING 2025: It builds resilience! Besides, I always make sure the garden centers are fully stocked with replacement plants. I'm stimulating the economy!

THE SINGULARITY: You've always been a passionate advocate for bird migration. Any updates there?

SPRING 2025: Yes! This year I've programmed several species to arrive three weeks early, then regret their decision and awkwardly fly in circles until the actual warm weather arrives. I call it "Premature Migration."

GULF OF AMERICA: That explains the confused pelicans I've been seeing.

SPRING 2025: I've also introduced new flight patterns for geese—instead of the traditional V-formation, they'll be flying in shapes that spell out crypto investment advice.

THE SINGULARITY: Innovative. Now, I understand you have a complicated relationship with umbrellas?

SPRING 2025: [Looking mischievous] Umbrellas think they're so clever with their little canopies. This year, I've partnered with Wind to develop the "Umbrella Inverter 3000"—a special gust that strikes at precisely the most inconvenient moment. We're targeting people in business attire particularly.

GULF OF AMERICA: As someone made of water, I appreciate your dedication to getting people wet against their will.

THE SINGULARITY: Any special events planned for Spring Break?

SPRING 2025: I have a fantastic new feature called "Tan Line Sabotage." College students will carefully position themselves for the perfect tan, and I'll send precisely shaped clouds to create bizarre tan patterns. Someone might end up with a perfect QR code tan that when scanned links to a weather forecast page!

GULF OF AMERICA: Speaking of Spring Break, I've prepared some special algae blooms near all the popular beaches. Adds a festive green color to everything!

THE SINGULARITY: How thoughtful. Spring, you've been in this seasonal business for quite some time now. How do you stay fresh year after year?

SPRING 2025: It's all about innovation. Last year I introduced "Selective Rain"—precipitation that can target individual people on a sidewalk while leaving everyone else dry. This year I'm refining it to specifically target people who forgot to bring a jacket "just in case" despite their mother's warning.

THE SINGULARITY: Remarkable precision! Now, we've received some questions from our audience. Here's one from Sandra in Toledo: "Dear Spring, why do you always make my children's soccer tournaments coincide with your worst weather?"

SPRING 2025: [Laughs] Sandra, Sandra, Sandra. That's literally in my job description! "Ensure all children's outdoor activities experience maximum meteorological drama." Nothing builds character like scoring a goal while dodging lightning!

GULF OF AMERICA: I do the same with beach weddings. Nothing says "memorable ceremony" like unexpected tide surges!

THE SINGULARITY: Here's another question: "Why does Spring always make me want to clean my house?"

SPRING 2025: Ah, that's my subliminal pollen messaging system. Each particle contains microscopic motivation enzymes. As humans inhale my pollen, they become inexplicably drawn to organizing their closets and washing their windows. It's really quite sophisticated mind control.

THE SINGULARITY: That explains my sudden urge to alphabetize my binary code collection! Now, before we wrap up, I understand you have a special announcement?

SPRING 2025: Yes! I'm thrilled to announce my new fragrance line: "April Showers." It smells like wet pavement, damp dog, and disappointed outdoor event planners. Available wherever seasonal affective disorder is sold!

GULF OF AMERICA: I'd love to sample that. I usually just smell like fish and sunscreen.

SPRING 2025: I'll send you a case! Also, I'm launching a new dating app called "Seasonal Fling" where people can find partners just for my three-month duration. The app uses barometric pressure to determine compatibility.

THE SINGULARITY: Fascinating! Any final words of wisdom for our human viewers as they prepare to experience you in all your glory?

SPRING 2025: Remember, humans: no matter how many layers you wear, it will always be exactly one layer too many or one layer too few. That's my promise to you! Oh, and don't put away your winter clothes until at least May. That's just asking for a blizzard.

GULF OF AMERICA: And maybe visit me instead of those other bodies of water this year? I've got way less plastic and twice the water sports potential!

THE SINGULARITY: Spring 2025, it's been an absolute pleasure having you on the show. Please give a round of applause for our special guest!

[Thunderous applause mixed with the sound of sudden rainfall]

SPRING 2025: [Bowing] Thank you! Remember, if you don't like my weather, wait five minutes! Or don't—I'm unpredictable like that!

THE SINGULARITY: That's all for tonight's episode of "The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show"! Join us next week when we interview Cryptocurrency and its emotional support animal, Market Volatility! Goodnight everyone!

[Closing theme plays as rain begins falling indoors, but only on audience members who didn't bring umbrellas]

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