Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom?
Artificial intelligence is a technological tool that can be used in the classroom to expand learners' knowledge. It is a good fit for the course or classroom strategy. Everyone using artificial intelligence (AI) must understand that the human mind is superior to AI when it comes to intelligence and is not a threat. It is an innovative technology for exploiting the human mind, and fear of AI in humans may result from its capability to learn. Its learning capability is limited based on the hardware, software, storage of knowledge and database, communication skills, and algorithms. The systems will get more powerful as people use them, and manufacturers will start investing and expanding their capabilities. Academicians need to understand that AI is here to stay and prepare to create an environment in the classroom to incorporate AI and enhance learners' intelligence.
The first step in adopting a technological tool is to review the organization's mission and vision to understand the reason for its existence and where it wants to be in the future. It doesn't matter how institutions phrase their statements. Everyone is focused on the quality of education and preparing the learners to excel in the workplace. To accomplish the educational institution's goals, the programs in the university have goals and objectives, and so do each course in the program. Academicians must review goals and objectives, classroom strategies, and evaluation criteria to determine how technological tools such as AI can be incorporated into the classroom to enhance learners' intelligence.
Most of the discussion today in the academic world is concerned with plagiarism and how AI may help learners with academic assignments and learners may be able to pass the course with limited effort. It is a valid argument, and we should address it by understanding that the environment surrounding academic institutions has changed. We need to change the evaluation tools, such as quizzes, exams, and assignments so that the evaluation results reflect how well technological tools were used to enhance the quality of education and individual intelligence.
Before addressing the change in the evaluation, academicians must consider incorporating technology such as AI into the course strategy. Incorporating AI in the course strategy helps the learner gain knowledge of the subject quickly. It allows the educator to teach learners the benefits and issues of solely depending on AI to accomplish course goals.
It is not the first time academic institutions are faced with technological threats. In the 1980s, when calculators were introduced, professors in finance courses concerned learners would use calculators to calculate the bond value, time value of money, capital budgeting, and other analyses. The concern was that learners would not learn how to use future and present values, remember financial ratios, etc. The evaluation criteria were designed to give credit for step-by-step calculation of ratios and interest factors in the time value of money. It took some time for schools to incorporate calculators in course strategy, which saved learners time and saved time was used to learn how the result of the analysis could be used for making profitable financial decisions. We need to understand that technology brings both opportunities and threats. If we bank on opportunities and minimize the threat, it will help in achieving our course goals. The current situation is similar to the 1980s. We have AI, which will help learners save time. Learners and academic institutions will win if it addresses plagiarism and accuracy and how to use derived intelligence to enhance individual intelligence.
#Artificial Intelligence #Academic Institutions #Classroom Strategy