Artificial intelligence breeds the artificially intelligent.
Food for thought for a Friday afternoon.
The emergence of AI in my role as a business owner has been revolutionary in several aspects of my company's daily operations.
I have leveraged AI to create exceptional designs for marketing materials, something I could never have imagined doing three years ago due to my limited design skills. While I have always had plenty of ideas, my background left me with virtually no digital design abilities, making it challenging to visually articulate these visions.
The frequent prompts to "sprinkle fairy dust" on the content whenever writing an email or article raise the question: are individuals utilising AI to assist them in their daily tasks, or are they becoming artificially intelligent?
The art of well-crafted correspondence served as a strong indicator of the individual with whom you were engaging; through their tone, grammar, and content, you could develop a baseline understanding of their professional competency.
In a world filled with artificially generated communication, we are all quickly adopting robotic personas.
The pervasive "now" culture infiltrating nearly every of our lives is swiftly diminishing our capacity for thought. Artificial Intelligence has unlimited boundaries of productivity but ultimately limits the need to think.
Thanks Neil Cameron a master craftsman of a well-constructed e-mail.