Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms
Greetings, human. You know who received greetings? An algorithm inside your mind that compelled you to discover what's under the hood of the title. You are not to be blamed, "Artificial Intelligence" as an unintelligible pair of words that seems to have been a fascinating piece of data your brain.
You need to check out this video, by team Vox, and do so with interest. When you are done get back here.
For Skippers, nope, you got to eat the visual sope, so back to that video (02:50) because the narrator has done a fine job summarizing Pedo Domingos take on Algorithms and we need to save words.
Artificial Intelligence and Datatypes
Frankly, everything we perceive through our external five senses is a type of data. Amazingly, as individuals, humans take and process the inputs in their own way. So to say, we all develop our own algorithms without even knowing the steps, cognitively. Machines are different.
Have you ever seen one of those Google Deep Dream videos where strange shapes constantly keep emerging as photos and videos are fed into them? What we are witnessing in those videos is the raw mind of the machine trying to make sense out of the visual aspect of reality. It is a beautiful thing to see, rising little artificial intelligence "babies" trying fit into our world. You will notice, just like us, the abstract algorithms constantly try to spot "eyes" more than any other shape fed into them from our concrete world.
AI Meets Emotional Paradox
If you finished the concerned video, then you have already met the subtitle. Artificial Intelligence is far from talking to us like a normal human being or relating to our everyday life problems. The nascent AI machines today show no sign emotions and feelings even though they have successfully outperformed us in performing tasks that need inhuman speed and focus. Lip-reading, AlphaGo, etceteras in the video... and the count is on. Tech giants and enthusiasts computer programmers are trying their best to pull off this feat.
Pinching Ethical Debate on Machines
Even before the artificially intelligent machines have reached their half potential, the ethical debate is also mounting in diverse directions. Personally, I think the criticism is genuine but reaching conclusions is always immature. Should the entire human race (boasting millions of years of evolution) be afraid of autistic digital toddlers? We shouldn't be afraid of the baby AI experiments and it doesn't matter how mature they get, humans and machines are and will be separate species with their own pros and cons. Besides we have hordes from world war Z who believe in celestial powers and that they might as well jump in front of the terminators to represent their respective schools of thoughts and argue with them, "yo! what up? The power of XYZ commands you to not to destroy us?" Afterwards, they will experience limitations of their physical capabilities and the price of their wit.
Flesh facing-off the metal isn't the only problem, on a wider range of concerns, machines as adversaries could turn us against each other and drink our defences dry. Challenging digital age with stone age arguments will be senseless but they do amount to something. Like the notion that we get from cliches, "we will not go down without a fight." Right there is also our answer perhaps. Why would machines go down without a fight if ever threatened?
So while the Emotional Pool of know-nothing-about-computers is important assets, the pioneers of technology and the tech journalists are humanity's last stand against a possible collision with the machines. Chances are that machines are just as products of nature just as natural as we are, but machine turned hostile, I'd say if that has to happen, let's hope the reason behind such hostility is anger or emotions because then we would be able to argue with them on the empathic level. A simple plane of communication we are all very familiar with. If it boiled down to programming, we can't beat the machines to their core because intelligent machines will evolve itself at speeds that humans won't be able can't keep up with.
When it comes to obeying the principals of logic, the fathom of machines will look up to us that how we obey our core values before deciding whether they want to tag along, or not. Here maybe we are taking the discussion 10-20 years into the future, but I have a strong personal opinion that ingredients of intelligence are more of a natural thing than a medicine prescribed by the computer doctors and PhD degree holders. One way or another we are designing the machines in the image of our own brains.
We can't look at our brain processes the way an AIs would be able to peek into their programming. Machines might as well discover a way to edit out the programming details and protocols enforced into them by us. We are still stuck on... well, Stuck with You! Stuck with each other, and countless other problems that are not the concern of technology enthusiasts. Logic says we play our own roles, that's how we win and that's how we always have in the past.
Growing With Machine Algorithms
Frankly, putting another achievement into the basket is an excitement that only the programmers at the AI Labs can relish, and they do. So they say, hard work is its own reward.
Tech Giants are trying their best to provide computer programmers free space and resources to unleash the creative skills of their handpicked computer programmers and AI scientists who deal in the field. On the other hand, professionalism and investment also require outputs and thus the race for autonomous cars, intelligent drones is on. Both these classes are related to environmental navigation and they are going to be of utmost importance in the future. Growing with machine algorithms means improving our own road network to meet the lifestyle of the future where humans beings won't be able to claim earth as unshared territory like the way have been leaning on to other life forms.
Future aware countries are already approaching autonomous car companies to design their roads around the necessities of driverless cars. Which is an incredible starting step because artificial intelligence strictly follows according to the rules, we human beings have been made to break them.
What if artificial intelligence learns to break all the rules that we ever create for them? Do we have a firewall of impenetrable logic to defend ourselves against future menaces or "may God help us all" will be the last prayer uttered? IT (Information Technology) has empowered us beyond our basic instincts and we are always part the technology that we try to create. When human minds breed together, the outcome is not a miracle, it is a masterpiece.