Artificial General Intelligence from article by Tim Urban
I am fascinated by the ongoing discussions about Artificial Intelligence and what the future holds. There have been some excellent observations about the possibility of Artificial Intelligence destroying Humanity, like the 'Terminator' style movie, including warnings from Stephen Hawkins and other leading thinkers, but this article by Tim Urban is an excellent discussion of the rate of change and the direction of AI.
There is another article, on a Blogg, by Frank Diana, which is an interview with a Futurist :), which has a graphical explanation of the tremendous change occurring, taken from a link on 'The end of capitalism as we know it '
The above article links, highlight the obvious - at least to me, change is increasing, with things happening that society is not keeping pace with, disruption is going to be significant, but there is plenty of hope. It will depend on the 1% controlling most of the worlds resources and wealth, taking a positive outlook globally. What I do see is conflict and challenges, old rules of sovereignty and structures being challenged, destroyed or disrupted. As the world becomes more interconnected, the concept of being isolated from global events is less tenable.
The challenge will be to keep humanity engaged on multiple levels as well as focus on positive outcomes. What all this means is there are going to be a huge range of both positive and negative opportunities, with our choices impacting the collective whole. I personally am very optimistic, with a cautious note about significant disruption, especially with many global vested interests and medieval viewpoints.
Comments and feedback welcome, enjoy the articles and read!