Artificial Brains: INDUSTRY 4.0 Decision Support Systems
HYPOTHALAMUS Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Business Management, Artificial Entrepreneurial Brains & Enterprise-Wide Optimization Systems
The new way of mathematics is directly related to the “parallel thinking”, and today it can be said that like paper-based math, sequential mathematics for single-processor computers will be in the short term a dead language. As in the human brain, in the future only parallel mathematical thinking will be practical. The new analytics is autonomous, parallel, and distributed .?
Video Trailer:
Video English: (31:48) ?
Webinar Spanish: (1:17:00)
"I can summarize the situation is to say that there are now in the world machines that think, that learn, and that create. Moreover, their ability to do these things is going to increase rapidly until - in the visible future - the range of problems they can handle will be coextensive with the range to which the human mind has been applied."
Allen Newell - First President of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Herbert Simon - Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
in “Human Problem Solving”
HYPOTHALAMUS Artificial Intelligence Inc.
Video/Pitch (Spanish):
PDF Version
Artificial Hypothamalus
Artificial Hippocampus
Velasquez-Bermudez, Jesus. Artificial Hypothalamus: Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Programming Integration (2021)
Available at SSRN:
Velasquez, Jesus. Artificial Brains (Augmented Artificial Intelligence): Artificial Neocortex + Artificial Hypothalamus + Artificial Hippocampus (March 23, 2022).
Available at SSRN:?
Velasquez-Bermudez, Jesus. Artificial Hippocampus. The Energy of Artificial Brains (December 2022)
Available at SSRN:
Three types of intelligence may be associated with the production of knowledge on which humanity develops: mental, mathematical, and analytical.
?All human beings manage mental models (very quick to solve) and, in their absence, easily copy themselves from a more influential individual, and more recently, are implanted in human beings through the ochlocracy of mental models distributed by social networks. When intelligence works under this model, we will call it "Mental" Intelligence.
“Mathematical" Intelligence is oriented to use in real-time the mathematical models
The human requires another type of intelligence that allows him to perform the analyses to understand and discover the models that govern the universe that is written in the language of mathematics (Galileo Galilei); we will call this intelligence "Analytical" Intelligence. This intelligence can be considered as the highest level of human intelligence, since it is what allows to grow in the "discovery" of mathematical laws, and in general new knowledge, which is the engine of the "scientific development" of humans.
This intelligence developed by/for the human being is based on the functioning of the brain, the design and construction of an artificial brain for organizations is the central theme of the research of Hypothalamus Ai Inc. (HAI). For this, the brain is conceived as integrated by three basic artificial components: i) Neocortex: which produces knowledge, ii) Hypothalamus that manages knowledge and iii) Hippocampus that stores acquired knowledge.
This document presents a framework for the development of a new type of artificial intelligence more oriented to the decision making
HAI makes it clear that it is not a research company in the field of neuroscience, it simply investigates in mathematical modeling of high complexity and that it carefully observes the results of neuroscientific studies to integrate artificial intelligence modeling
Making Artificial Brains
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