Articles and Posts
A powerful way of promoting your personal profile across the LinkedIn community is to share insightful and informative content through LinkedIn 'Articles' and 'Posts'. These postings can be used to raise awareness of your own expertise, experience and skills, and to make you more visible to potential employers, connections and clients. They can also be used to position you as a thought leader in your field. By increasing visibility of your profile you open yourself to new opportunities, collaborations and professional relationships.
If you, or your organisation, are vendors of solutions or products the credibility achieved by sharing valuable, informative information can also result in increased interest from potential buyers. To be effective it is necessary to post 'Articles' and/or 'Posts' regularly. Be aware that 'Posts' are displayed at a particular moment in real time much like tweets on X. However, they are visible at any time on your LinkedIn profile page.
After you have posted an Article it is wise to also promote it by posting a 'post' that includes a hyperlink to the article.