Article Review : The ways of law interaction with Artificial Intelligence with our future robots and a technologically determined society.
The Interplay of Law, Robots, and Society in an Artificial Intelligence Era was written by Stamatis Karnouskos from Umea University in Sweden. When I first read the article, I was astounded when she asked whether artificial intelligence robots should be recognised as legal entities. When we state that AI is omnipresent, especially in this modernised day, we are not creating any more uncertainty. Although, given the prevalence of artificial intelligence, there should have an impact on the legislation itself.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics will advance quickly if a comprehensive agreement on society and its laws is reached. In a future society where robots and humans coexist, philosophical, legal, and societal issues like consciousness, citizenship, rights, and the legal presence of robots are raised. . As a result, the topic of whether robots should be recognised as legal entities has arisen. It starts with notions about law and society, is influenced by intersectional methods, and draws on previous literature to look at the connection between law, robotics, and society from a variety of viewpoints, including legal, social, economic, gender, and the humanitarian.
Robots and artificial intelligence seem to be beginning a new era for mankind. In general, it is vital to remember that legislation is intended to be proactive and preferably to prevent problems prior to arising. This is why it is now time for all stakeholders to start a thorough discourse and create proper regulations and frameworks on key legal, robotic, and social concerns.
With rapid advances in AI, robots can learn and master a wide range of practical jobs, opening the way for widespread public use in a modern society (and not only in factories as it is mostly the case today). Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) far outperforms human capability which is described as "any intellect that significantly outperforms human cognitive ability in almost all disciplines of interest." Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) or weak AI is one of the evolutionary tiers of AI. Strong AI, Artificial General Intelligence often known as Human-Level AI, is sensitive and capable of learning and performing in ways that are unmistakable to humans.?
Although the presence of robots benefits humanity, ethical issues must be resolved. The writer examines the issue from the perspectives of law, robotics, and the societal nexus. It looks into their relationship and speculates on whether or not Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) robots have human rights.?
Humanity is expected to benefit from robotic coexistence. But as robots evolve and become intelligent, many of them are predicted to exhibit (potentially indistinguishable) humanoid qualities and incorporate them into society.?
In order to bring law into contact with reality and consider its social context, it is vital to consider the "socio" part of the socio-legal connection. Legislation as well as society might be regarded as an alternative to the doctrinal perspective of law and as a critical challenge.? The question of how categories are interrelated, interact at numerous niveaux and influence identity is recommended to be addressed in the context of intersection.
There are approximately three approaches "defined mainly in terms of their position towards catégories, i.e. how they understand and use analytical categories to examine the complexity of intersectionality in social life, are anti categorical complexity, intracategorical complexity, and intra categorical complexity," although these may not be clearly discreet. This work, motivated by intersectional analysis, combines some of its features when it comes to the interplay between law, robots and society.?
The selected strategy is to use starting points to critically evaluate legal and social discourses. The assessments are based on the material and look at how robotic symbiosis can be used in future societies in detail.?
Key difficulties, viable rules, and essential dialogues in the realms of law and society are at the heart of this work. Because this work focuses on the socio-legal dimensions of society as robots, it goes beyond the doctrinal perspective of law and attempts to explain the interaction between law and society during the period of robotic symbiosis.
It is based on intersectional approaches and the use for analysis of existing literature, through different perspectives, including legislation, social, eco-nominics of sex and ethical perspectives, the interaction of law, robots and society. The book is based on theories from the point of view of law and society.?
The robot is currently not a "legal subject" in any country's civil or criminal law. As a "legal subject," the robot would have both obligations and rights in society. From a doctrinal standpoint, the contemporary contract includes the independent and rational individual with a good legal comprehension and the purpose to obey or disobey the same regulation. The legal topic is isolated from relations, circumstances, and settings outside the legal framework in order to maintain the legal system's independence and coherence.?
As a result, the legal subject is bound by the law's responsibilities and is responsible for them. In order to retain the doctrinal view of law, the separation of law as a system, in connection with a perception of the law as a centrality, is especially crucial. The question is whether the robot can be considered a legal subject in the doctrinal sense of the term.?
The legal subject cannot and should not be divorced from its background, experiences, or relationships within the field of law from the standpoint of law and society. Thus , one argument is that while assigning legal status to robots, one must analyse the entire context and the impact of many perspectives.? The legal subject in law and society is not limited to specific acts described in a law book.
The fact that a robot has rights and obligations means recognising itself as a "legal topic." It is however the belief that such features can now be applied in sensitive and human-like robots using AGI and ASI.?
It must be emphasised that prominent scientists have expressed concern that an ASI will see humanity as outdated and lead to its extinction (deliberately or unintentionally). The greatest threat is not, however, robots for the time being, but mankind for robots. History has shown that people see themselves as superior to all other living beings, and that other kinds of life are considered inferior, for example animals.
Therefore, it is vital to realise that we have a financial incentive to deny robots rights and thus legal standing.? Many robots are programmed to perform repetitive and dangerous tasks that people would not or could not do 24 hours a day, seven days a week.?
Humanity's track record in this area is not good, as this has happened repeatedly in the past, for example, with slavery, and there was never a shortage of intellectual justification for heinous acts. As a result, restriction of robot rights will be acceptable if the question remains unanswered after AGI is realised and robots become conscious, especially if business interests are involved.
Therefore, a robot may not harm a human or allow a human to be harmed by its inactivity. Next, a robot must follow human directions unless they contradict the First Law. Thus, a robot shall safeguard its own existence as long as its protection does not contradict the First or Second Laws.
AI robots are still considered science fiction, with merely predictions as to how they would perform in the following decades, particularly at the AGI and ASI levels. However, at the ANI level, we can already observe a variety of robots that will be involved in critical operations, like self-driving cars, in the next few years.? This study takes into account the full range of such robots. Although it concentrates on ANI in the medium term, it is obvious that its goal is to address problems of intersectoral law and society that are at the level of AGI or ASI. It is now clear that AI, particularly AI robots, cannot be comprehended and, in some situations, cannot be overseen or desired.
Factors like legal issues have extensive effects and form the basis of future cooperation between robot and human beings. Our society is not yet ready for this change of paradigm, though. There is too much discussion and assessment on many elements of law and society. As a result of robotics and artificial intelligence, humanity will enter a new era. If artificial intelligence reaches the AGI level or ASI level, the empowerment of humanoid robots would require reviewing both legal and social discussions.?
Robots would be wiser than humans and mankind would possibly have developed its next evolutionary step to their advantage or its doom, as some believe. Any changes can be seen with distrust and possible fear, but a symbiosis with robots and AI could be a significant distinguishing feature in human survival and a driver of global human development and success.?
Stamatis Karnouskos. (n.d.). The Interplay of Law, Robots and Society, in an Artificial Intelligence Era.