Article Pitch the causes of the hundred years' war
Jonathan Riley
Freelance Copywriter, Blogger, Research, UX Design, History Writing, News Writing, Correspondent and Magazine Writer
Dear Editorial team,?if you are interested in and historical article set in the high mediaeval ages, I would like to write a piece for?history magazine focusing on the causes of the Hundred Years War; it?will focus on Philip II of France?and up to the death of King Charles IV of France and their rivals Kings of England.?
The article will focus?on the impact and significance of the battle of Bouvines?and the establishment of the French and English monarchies in their respective kingdoms. Much economic and political development happened from?1214?to?1328, contributing?to the Hundred Year's War. I will now break down the headings for each section of the article.
Legacies of King John of England and Philip Augustus of France in this chapter, I will focus primarily on the legacies King John left with the creation of?Magna Carter and King Philip II and Louis VIII called the lion legacy in France. This will be the establishment of royal authority in France and England and the collapse of the king's power, which was centralised with the Crown until the disasters of King John's reign.
The next chapter will focus on the?legacy of the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1259?between King Henry III of England and King Louis IX of France in this?peace treaty which was the origin of the conflict of the?hundred years war, will be signed in this piece. I would also discuss the nature of feudal power and the relationship between Kings.
The third main chapter will be on the?impacts of the reins of King Edward I of England and Philip iV of France; in?the case of King Edward I, will be writing about his re-establishment of royal authority and that with him being the fifth Plantagenet king of England he had advantages which his early ancestors did not possess. Also, I will be discussing the feudal relationship between Edward as king of England and Duke of Aquitaine and how that relationship quickly deteriorated with King Philip the fourth of France. The wars in the 1290s?put the kingdoms of England and the kings of France on a collision course, which?would have meant?that even if Edward III of England did not claim the French throne,?the war still would be prevalent between the kingdoms. I would also add the geopolitical aspect and national security themes to the chapter though this could mean I may have to split the?paragraph into two. There are many historical, political and economic reasons why England and France have been fighting from the time of William the Conqueror until the battle of Waterloo in?1815. Though?these dates can be argued upon, they will not be?the scope of this article.
These are the broad strokes of my plan for the overall article. I shall leave the links to my LinkedIn profile and a history article I have written for a different magazine?so that?you can see my samples and experience.?I am also looking for financial compensation?for this article and can commit to writing 2000 words.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I wish you a great week ahead.
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Bibliography where I got my information from.?
?Brown, E. A. R. (2012). Moral Imperatives and Conundrums of Conscience: Reflections on Philip the Fair of France. Speculum, 87(1), 1–36.?https://www.jstor.o?rg/stable/41409273?searchText=Philip%20iV%20of%20France&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DPhilip%2BiV%2Bof%2BFrance&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A53cb91140781cd8dbcae9f5db0030351
Bates, D. (2018). William the Conqueror (The English Monarchs Series) (Reprint). Yale University Press.?
Gold, C. (2019). King of the North Wind: The Life of Henry II in Five Acts (Reprint). William Collins.?
Hallam, E. M., & West, C. (2020). Capetian France, 987-1328. Routledge.
Higham, J. K. (2022). Summary of Powers and Thrones: A New History of the Middle Ages By Dan Jones. Independently published.?
Jones, D. (2014). The Plantagenets: the warrior kings and queens who made England. Viking Penguin Books.?
Jones, D. (2015). The Hollow Crown (Main). Faber & Faber.
King, A. (2016). Edward I (Penguin Monarchs). Penguin UK.
Morris, M. (2016). A great and terrible king: Edward I and the forging of Britain. Pegasus Books.?
Morris, M. (2016). King John: Treachery, Tyranny and the Road to Magna Carta. RANDOM HOUSE.
Rothwell, H. (1927). Edward I’s Case against Philip the Fair over Gascony in 1298. The English Historical Review, 42(168), 572–582.?
Strayer, J. R. (1956). Philip the Fair--A “Constitutional” King. The American Historical Review, 62(1), 18.?
Sumption, J. (1999). The Hundred Years War: Trial by Battle (The Middle Ages Series, Volume 1). University of Pennsylvania Press.?
Wood, C. T. (1979). The English Crisis of 1297 in the Light of French Experience. Journal of British Studies, 18(2), 1–13.?
van Gorp, D. (2011). Historical introduction: The War of Bouvines. Medieval Warfare, 1(1), 6–9. In-?
Zeihan, P. (2020). Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World (Illustrated). Harper Business.
Zeihan, P. (2022). The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization. Harper Business.?
I am just writing this so it can help people out who are pitching to editors, but I would all whys say to check the guidelines