Article: The Nigerian Hard Economic Visible Hand.
Osarenagharu Israel Okundaye
Musician | Music Artist || Rock Izy on all music platforms
Author: Okundaye Israel Osarenagharu.
Qualification: Banking and Finance (
Institution Attended: University of Benin.
Passion: Writing.
Specialty: Article, Poem, Quotes (Poetry), Motivation, etc.
Contacts: +2349080639247.
Email: [email protected].
Location: Benin City, Nigeria.
“Hunger in the land yet it is not barren.” Israel.
Horn from vehicle hit the streets, busy major roads with pedestrian walking in different directions, signs in slogans hang on shops, caravans and umbrella points with few customers making purchases according to what and how hard economic issues had lead them while minding their pockets, shops are being closed down on daily bases, companies folding up with downsizing as a cut out in the different organizations ensuring absorb-er to the shock being witnessed in the present day Nigeria, every being ( cooperate bodies and public corporations) on the other hand have had a fare share of the economic situation thin or thick. Salaries are held and procurement retarded.
A wide range of people and legal beings (corporations) are being economically held hostage, locked up in Jones’ Locker waiting to be released into economic boom. Families are putting up deep efforts to survive the times by reducing portion of meals from square meal to two (2) or one (1) daily. Major expenditures are cut down to the barest minimum just to live through the period. The number of drop out from schools recorded is increasing by the day owing to student’s inability to settle their financial academic obligations across board, especially Tertiary Institutions.
There is hardly or scarcely anyone that has not witnessed the hand of economic hardship obsessed the country at the moments. It is more or less exchanging a non pleasing hand shake with everyone at the different sectors of the State. Transport fares have doubled negating the impact on the prices of goods and services across the markets levels. The market woman have taken to gong hitting it hard to announce their share of and laments the sudden increase of the general price level of varieties of consumable and non-consumable products. Rents on Housing have been pushed up the ladder by opportune landlords and estate agents. We are going through tough economic period yet business owners have hijacked the situation thereby making it worse off for the buyers or consumers at the receiving end.
Few resources are flying around unable to catch up with so much demand of the populace. The people have their stomach wide opened salivating and anticipating yet meals in the waiting but we all wait hope filled. We wait in fame, not in vain because Nigerians and Africans in general exist to whether any storm, survive any tide. We will walk; stand the times, ply the road rough tough but sweet in the end. It is a wise thought that the men who suffers pains in the morning reaps huge heap of success in the evening.
There is basically huge decline in business activities (Public or Private), domestic and religious activities (the economic attack on fund raised from religious houses are not spared). The economic down turn ravaging the state seem unperturbed haven’t injected trauma, pains and ache on the economic public. IDP’s have also had a handful of the current recessing situation.
The heat is majorly ravaging or tearing the economy more on pricing. Prices of articles and services had so hit the high that the relative prices of commodities at “pre” and “current” level have now been increasingly tripled. Whereas the “post” price dilemma is hitting bang the heart of the general public.
The invisible hand of hardship had virtually affected every sector of the economy such that everyone including government is left to hug one economic stigma or the other. It came hard like the deadly hazard witnessed in Europe, Asia and the United State of America (Tsunami, Tornadoes, etc), spelling boldly its aim resulting in double digit inflation that have wrecked or assisted the economy in creating wide vacuum of unemployment across private and public companies, enterprises or corporations. Foreign businesses and owners have relocated to base. Government does not seem to be winning or dictating a high hand over the economic “ambiguity” though the prices of articles are gaining momentum because Business Opportunist are everyday doing more to regress the situation by seizing every leverage that can deliberately trigger the level of inflation in the country.
Unknown or increasing figures of the Nigerian youth are leaving the shores of the country through borders. It’s way odd that the youth are leaving the country for the pastures greener than ours due to inconsistent, poor or self motivated leadership miscalculations of our political heads and authorities of different era to date.The option to Europe through borders and other platforms are obviously way out of recession, economic woes, or hunger to deathtraps at the deserts, sea or possibly eventual destination but consciously or inversely ad versed by the government due to the Nigerian Youth Political Space Deficiency in the operations of government occupied by Ageing Nigerian Men and Women in Politics.
The issues hitting the nail at these times are
What positive steps have been taken by government to attract its citizens from looking outward but inward?
What arrangement or bilateral arrangements does the government of Nigeria have with these countries vulnerable to our desperate youth travelling abroad through borders? So they can have or enjoy some level of security.
What plan of the vibrant Nigerian youths is reflecting on the budget appropriated year in and out?
What proportion of the political meal in the form of electoral positions, appointments and party politics gets to the teaming youth at local, state and national levels?
National issues are resolved through innovative workable ideas from the general public consisting of men, women, boys and girls that have what and all that it takes to push or propel a progressive government and activate or reshape a regressive state.Until the state begin to open up huge rooms to active and competent leaders of today (youths ranging from 25-40 yrs) in government, the Beauty-Full color of this nation may not reap the basics or nutrients to compete its green pastures with the rest of the world, LDC’s to HDC’s.
In nutshell, the seed planted here for real growth to foster in a nation like ours, is to encourage government to open up space or more political rooms for the youths to explore (Youth Political Responsibility) in government against Ageing Political Rascality. “That is the mixed breed of Youth Political Responsibility with a level of Ageing Political Decision Makers.”
There is hope, it is sure that the economy will bounce back. Let this famine be hard lessons learnt in blessing, government must learn, corporations and political individuals and decision makers must learn that Mother Nature is the ripper, it cannot be toiled with or taken for a ride. We all must inculcate the habit to save for the future because it does not rain every day. The government and its agencies must retrospect, see and put tomorrow in its expenditure, actions or language in its operations and considerations.
I see a silver lining, I see hope in our Nigeria. I see a dominant macroeconomic sustained Nigeria. The macroeconomic sustained Nigeria that I saw is the one born out of all inclusive government with cut clear opened leadership and well structured criticisms from oppositions and political speculators.
God Bless Our Nigeria.?
Musician | Music Artist || Rock Izy on all music platforms
7 年Thanks @Priyanka Naik