Article on Mean Stack Development
MEAN Stack is one of the most popular Technology Stack. It is used to develop a Full Stack Web Application. Although it is a Stack of different technologies, all of these are based on JavaScript language.
MEAN Stands for:
This stack leads to faster development as well as the deployment of the Web Application. Angular is Frontend Development Framework whereas Node.js, Express, and MongoDB are used for Backend development.
Role of MEAN stack developer:
A mean stack developer is an IT developer who?builds websites using a collection of four distinctive JavaScript technologies. Java is an online platform for developers, programmers and other similar professionals to develop websites.
Salary of MEAN stack developer:
Mean Stack Developer salary in India ranges between?? 1.8 Lakhs to ? 10.1 Lakhs?with an average annual salary of ? 4.0 Lakhs.
Benefit of MEAN stack:
One major advantage of MEAN stack development is that it uses JavaScript for both the front-end and back-end web applications. This makes development more efficient and modern. In the traditional LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), different languages are used for the front-end and back-end.
MEAN stack developer profile:
MERN Stack developers are?primarily in charge of developing and designing front end web architecture and building interactive consumer data from multiple systems. They define code architecture decisions to support high-performance products.
MEAN stack in demand:
MEAN stack developers are also in high demand?since they work with a technology that allows them to produce high-performance digital solutions that are quick to build and execute.
Difference between MEAN and MERN:
MEAN and MERN stacks are popular technology stacks for web application development. The main difference is that MEAN uses Angular as its front-end framework, while MERN uses React Js for its UI. MEAN is more popular for enterprise-level architecture, while MERN is more popular for smaller applications.
MEAN stack popular:
The MEAN stack is a relatively new, but?highly popular?full-stack software bundle. It uses JavaScript technologies and is used for developing web applications. In other words, this is a JavaScript-based tech stack, with both frontend and backend tools, used to build fast and efficient full-stack web applications.