Article on Data visualization
Data Visualization:
Data visualization is the representation of information and data using charts, graphs, maps, and other visual tools.
Benefits of data visualization:
Data visualization can be used in many contexts in nearly every field, like public policy, finance, marketing, retail, education, sports, history, and more.
? Storytelling:
People are drawn to colors and patterns in clothing, arts and culture, architecture, and more.
? Accessibility:
Information is shared in an accessible, easy to understand manner for a variety of audiences.
? Visualize relationships:
It is easier to spot the relationships and patterns within a data set when the information is presented in a graph or chart.
? Exploration:
More accessible data means more opportunities to explore, collaborate, and inform actionable decisions.
Data visualization examples:
Using data visualization tools, different types of charts and graphs can be created to illustrate important data.
? Data science
? Marketing
? Finance
? Health policy