This article will bring you joy ??
We create joy
Let’s not dwell on the fact that we all need some joy in our lives. We’re all adults. We’ve lived through the past few years - some of us just barely. Let’s rather focus on how we can bring joy to one another. After all, it’s our reason for being: joy to all.
This isn’t click bait. So much of what we see online is. Another attempt to lure us in to sign-up for something; Buy! Buy! Buy!; A grab for our attention. Yet, as marketeers, it’s our job. We spend more than 80% of our marketing budget on buying attention - the other 20% on keeping it. Despite feeling like we do it with less budget than we need. And we’re not the only ones. We have to compete with every other business vying for the same eyeballs. Cutting through all the noise that we ourselves contribute to creating is a relentlessly hard job… and yet, let’s take stock.
How are we doing?
If you answered yes to both, then ‘Go, You!!’??. You’ve already hit the joy jackpot! ??
If you answered no, before we continue - join us next Tuesday at 11:00 for a coffee break. A quick 15-minute Zoom call followed by a free ?? Costa Coffee and a ?? treat, we’re buying! We’ll share all the ways we create joy, and how you can take advantage of it. Go on. Admit it. A posh coffee would bring you a little bit of joy?
Without suggesting joy is unachievable from our advertising spend, and that our customers cannot find happiness in their social feed, it is something that is becoming increasingly more difficult.
We know what people do on their mobile phones. The amount of time dedicated to messages, social media, watching videos and playing games. We understand the mental health implications of always being ‘on’. And whilst as advertisers, we struggle to get our messages opened; to be relevant and on trend (at the same quality expected from our brand); to get our posts looked at, let alone liked; and our video ads watched through to the end, what we’re all missing are ‘games’.
Games are escapism. Especially casual games. Simple games. Typically lasting no more than a few minutes at a time. They’re bright, shiny, and help to distract us for a moment. They bring us joy. Waiting for a bus - do some match-making with Candy Crush. Bored on a conference call - sort some cards by playing Solitaire. A quick trip to the cubicles - catch-up on our number work with Sudoku. Avoid the ad break on telly by going for a run… no - not that kind of run: Temple Run. Trying to fall asleep, finish doom scrolling to the end of TikTok, and catching up with every friend’s rant for the day - time for the Meditation Game. Each, a break from reality, a small indulgence. A quick hit of joy.
Not discounting youngsters whose lives centre around games, 53% of adults (and climbing) play casual games on their mobile phones for up to 7-hours a week.
In our research, we found that there are three key reasons why we’re not currently using games as part of our media spend.
Joyall is the development of marketers who have been staring down the barrel of games and gamification for many years - facing these exact same challenges. So… we did something about it, and we’re ready to show you what you can now do.
Joyall is a platform. It provides us with our very own, high quality, custom branded casual games. It gamifies all that rich content that no one’s watching in our social media channels. And it rewards positive customer engagement - helping us to convert new customers, grow existing customers and most of all - to be top of mind as we bring them their regular hit of joy.
We create joy and we want to show you how you can too.
See you Tuesday - don’t forget to book ??.
?For more information on Joyall?, games and gamification contact [email protected] We’re ready to play.
See how Cuddledry? are using Joyall? to reach their customers
Author: Matt Jones - Founder + CEO Joyall Ltd