*This article is borrowed, but I had to share it... because this is how most, if not majority of South Africans truly feel*
Christine "Nomonde" Nxumalo
#MentalHealthActivist | #SocialJusticeActivist | #HumanRightsMatters | Communications | CommunityRelations | StakeholderRelations | CampaignManagement | StrategicPlanning | Monitoring & Evaluation
Who's in Charge of this Country Seriously Folks?
I hear people saying we are defending the country or the country will be taken. Let me be honest with you. South Africa ithathiwe it is almost about 10 years ithathiwe.
Township economy is in the hands of Pakistanis and Somalians who go to the extend of hiring inkabi to kill neighbouring South Africans Spaza shopf owners.
Malls in the location are owned by whites which means capital flight to Sandton. Thirdly you can't trade being a South African in the streets of Joburg being in the midst of our African brothers ba my frustrater manje and you will pack and go. Joburg street trade is demarcated according to countries.
There are certain streets where Ethopians and Eritreans trade and have their stalls. Mozambicans the same; Tanzanians the same; Zimbabweans the same. Then you have the big bosses (Nigerians) who have Tanzanians;Mozambicans and Zimbabweans as their runners in drug trade. Nigerians owns buildings that were hijacked and owns scrapyards where Telkom; Prasa;; Transnet and Eskom cables is sold to them by Basotho and Zimbabweans runners. They also own car mechanics along Jeppe and this long street in Joburg.
Cars that are hijacked ends there and are done what is necessary and smuggled across the borders into mainly Mozambique and Zimbabwe. In most SOE the head of IT and Finance is a foreign national.
Joburg inner city,Hillbrow; Berea; Yeowville, Turfontein; Sunnyside in Pretoria is owned by the Foreign nationals. Most of government houses have been hijacked by foreign nationals.
Where in the WORLD have you seen a building been hijacked? Then you have Zimbabweans and Basotho taking our minerals as Zama Zamas selling them and selling them to the Chinese mafia and cables shipped out of the country to China.
YOU also have the Lebanese And Israeli Mafias including Mafias from former Eastern block like abo Radovan krejicir buying our stolen minerals and involved in drug trade. Don't forget the tobacco Mafias. The list of these things is endless that are done by both white; Asian and African Foreign nationals.
Are you aware that Indians businesess in South Africa mainly employ mainly Malawi nationals in their restaurants and shops and also China Malls. Restaurants like Spurs and others mainly hire Zimbabweans. Restaurants delivery scooters is mainly foreign nationals. In the Agricultural farms white South Africans hire mainly Zimbabweans and Basotho as farmworkers.
This country is gone - we are being invaded by small countries like Rwanda and kill their opponents here like Tiro was killed in Botswana, like Ruth First was killed in Mozambique by apartheid regime. Paul Kagame has done it several times. Swaziland has been entering South Africa and killing Pudemo members. If we are undermined by Swaziland then it leaves a big question mark on our sovereignty as a nation.
The PROBLEM with our leaders/ government is that we want to please other people at the expense of our citizens.
Who is in charge of this country NXA NXA? we don't know. One guy once said OUR LEADERS bsigwaeza nge mvemvana.
It is really heartbreaking liyahamba ilizwe sibekile. We are becoming ceremonial government for other combined nations both for Africa and Europe and Asia.
This is a bitter truth. One day the masses will rise against this and we will shout xenophobia. The masses not politicians are the defenders of the revolution.