The Article on Black
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The Article on Black


Black is just a colour ,like other colours.I don’t understand why people compare this colour with human beings. Every body is giving attention on white and fair only .Nobody is liking black…but God knows, when they will understand that, God has created black skin tone also like fare skin tone. What is the difference between fair and black skin tone? I think nothing is there ,this is just a misconception of our mind. For this misconception every black skin tone  human beings have been suffering. They being tortured by their own family members, neighbours, friends, colleagues ,in lows etc. Really this so pathetic to face .I have been also suffering very much for this colour discrimination .My name is Nancy D suza. We are three sisters and I am the middle one. My sisters have fare skin tone and unfortunately I have black skin tone. So no body cares for me.  I have been facing this problem since my childhood. I have no friends for my black skin tone. All my class students are teasing at me as Kali bill(Black Cat) .No body is there to understand it gives me lot of  pain .My neighbors also laughing at me for my skin tone. It is so pathetic for me that, my parents are not saying them anything. Rather, my mother is always suggesting me to apply all the product to be fair. I dont know when it will be finish ,when at least my family members will accept me as it is how I am. I feel nobody is there for me to see my pain. To whom I will show my pain ,how ,everyday I get torture for this misconception. It is so painful when your own family members are not with you. My parents are giving more importance to my sisters only because of  they are fair. They take my sisters only to  all the parties and functions. If any guest visit to my home I am strictly prohibited to introduce myself in front of them because of my dark colour. My sisters always scold me like don’t come living room when the guests are there. I don’t understand why this restriction for me only ,why I cant come in front of them and sit with them. Every day I got torture for this. Nobody is there to listen ,what I am going through for this behaviour. Today I am very happy because it is my birth day and I became 16 years old. I was  expecting all will come to me and wish me but they didn’t come to  me .I felt left out. After some while my mother came to me and said get ready because some guests are going to visit our home .Again she said apply something on your face that time you will be look fair as your sisters. Again I lost my hope. “To whom I will ask that, Why should I look fair as my sisters. Why they cant accept me as  how I am?” But I understood this is the reality of our society. Here, nobody gives attention on dark complexion .Dramatically it is happening in our societies. No body is understanding we have also emotion .We are also human beings  .But who cares?  A colour can’t define a girl . Rather her potentiality, ability and talent can define her. But nobody is ready to accept it. In this moment I was missing my granny. She was always teaching “don’t be discourage if some body is talking about your dark complexion rather do some thing grater, how people will remember you by your work.” Really these words brought  new hope for me I could see  a little flame in my dark world. I got  confidence to do something and prove myself like I can also do some thing with my talent. I am always being neglected by my parents. My sisters always stopped me to wear black dress, me shoes etc. My parents didn’t take me any parties for my dark complexion. This is not happening with me only ,there are many Nancy ,like me those who are suffering for this inconvenient and poor thinking style. Every day they being torture for their dark skin tone in every where. I don’t understand why the colour do matter for everybody. Why people are not looking her talent what she can do. If we will see, in office ,she is not getting her actually position for her black skin tone ,her colleague are not supporting  ,her Boss is not giving her chance to present her presentation in front of all because she is not good looking as others. In home her parents neglect her, they just give attention to their other children, they always stop to wear black dress and suggest to apply different products to get fair and look good in front of guests. In the house of in lows ,they always give torture for dark complexion ,her husband feels shy to introduce her as his wife. She cant attend parties, festivals and other functions etc. Nobody wants to be friend with her. Totally she is alone .This is the reality of our society. I thought this is enough now …I decided I have to prove myself .I will fight for those, who are suffering as like me. I made myself strong .By fortunate I was good in designing clothes. I started my journey to design the clothes. Now I don’t care ,what others are saying about my dark complexion. I just want to prove myself in front of this society ,I can also do great things like others. I can also present myself with my extra ordinary talent .It doesn’t matter I am dark complexion. Now I say proudly ,yes I am black……and my favourite colour is also black and I am proud for my skin tone. Yes, I am proud.

“Don’t judge any one by color……..

    Give same attention ,respect, care and love to all”





Sonam Nayak


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