Article On Augmented Reality
Augmented reality (AR) is?the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality (VR), which creates a totally artificial environment, AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid on top of it.
What is an augmented reality:
Augmented reality is?an interactive experience in which a real world environment is enhanced with computer-generated visual elements, sounds, and other stimuli. It can provide a user with a heightened, more immersive experience than they would experience otherwise that adds to the user's enjoyment or understanding.
Difference between AR and VR reality:
AR uses a real-world setting while VR is completely virtual. AR users can control their presence in the real world; VR users are controlled by the system. VR requires a headset device, but AR can be accessed with a smartphone. AR enhances both the virtual and real world while VR only enhances a fictional reality.
Who invented augmented reality:
pioneer Ivan Sutherland
AR found its origin in the 1960's, when pioneer?Ivan Sutherland?developed the 'Sword of Damocles' at the University of Salt Lake City in the United States. The device was a head-mounted three-dimensional display functioning as a pair of glasses to view images in 3D.
Types Of AR
Augmented reality is of four types: Marker-less, Marker-based, Projection-based, and Superimposition-based AR. Let us see them one by one in detail.
#1) Marker-based AR
A marker, which is a special visual object like a special sign or anything, and a camera are used to initiate the 3D digital animations. The system will calculate the orientation and position of the market to position the content effectively.
#2) Marker-less AR
It is used in events, business, and navigation apps,?for instance,?the technology uses location-based information to determine what content the user gets or finds in a certain area. It may use GPS, compasses, gyroscopes, and accelerometers as can be used on mobile phones.
#3) Project-based AR
This kind uses synthetic light projected on the physical surfaces to detect the interaction of the user with the surfaces. It is used on holograms like in Star Wars and other sci-fi movies.
#4) Superimposition-based AR
In this case, the original item is replaced with an augmentation, fully or partially. The below example is allowing users to place a virtual furniture item over a room image with a scale on the IKEA Catalog app.