Article 11: Oracle Fusion - Pricing Algorithm Setups for Multi Currency in Oracle Fusion
This article is related to a specific scenario. In Oracle Fusion, when we required to use different currency price lists in the same pricing strategy, Example: Price list for USD, Price list for Euro, Price list for Yen etc. That time, system is only considering the first price list from the pricing strategy and not considering the other currency price lists in the same pricing strategy, because system is considering the price lists based on precedence in the pricing strategy, even though the same item is existing in all price lists.
How to resolve this problem?
To resolve this problem, we have to setup the Derive price list algorithm in the Manage Algorithms task in the Pricing Administration under Order Management.
Click on Pricing Administration and Select Manage Algorithms under Pricing Configuration.
Required to create a new version of this Algorithm. We cannot directly create a version from the seeded algorithm. Before that we must promote the algorithm. Otherwise, you will face the error mentioned below.
Next Step:
Import the Custom Algorithm
I’m providing an oracle document link here to import the custom algorithm into oracle. You must download the custom algorithm and it’ll downloaded in zip format.
FA: SCM: Pricing: Pricing Strategy Not Choosing Correct Price List Based on Order Currency and One Pricing Strategy. (?Doc ID 2787377.1?)
Click on the FindPriceListbyCurrencyCustom. It will be downloaded into your system.
Then go to the Manage Algorithms task and click on actions and select Import to import the algorithm.
Click on Choose File. Then select the .zip file and click on OK. The file will be uploaded into Oracle.
Then search for the FindPriceListbyCurrencyCustom in the Manage Algorithms
Initially the status will be in progress. Before publishing the Custom algorithm, please change the code in the default action.
In the default action,
Change the code and then Save and Close.
Then search for the Derive price list algorithm and create a new version.
Version 2 created, and it will be in progress. Click on the Derive price list version 2 hyperlink.
It will open the Derive price list algorithm.
From the Derive price list Algorithm, Click on Add step, and select Subalgorithm. It will generate a Child Step.
Provide the Assignment Value as PriceRequest for both Input and Output Variables
After completing these steps, Save and then move the sub algorithm up to right below the first sequence.
Moved the sub algorithm up to right below the first sequence.
Then Activate and Publish Derive Price List Algorithm and retest the issue by adding multiple price lists with different currencies in the same pricing strategy.
Please let me know in case of any queries or any help required.
Thanks, and Regards
Sankarjith P M