Article 028 ~ Examining The Role Of People In Innovation
The role of people in innovation is well documented and widely recognized; however, overshadowed by technological advances that help shape the direction of innovation.
While technology certainly plays an important role, people are the driving force behind the success of any invention. From coming up with the ideas and insights that drive new products and services to testing and developing solutions, the human element is essential to navigating the paths of exploration and real-world success.
Innovation often starts with an individual or team recognizing a need or opportunity in the marketplace; this is the foundation of any successful innovation – somebody, somewhere, seeing a need and then developing a more efficient or practical solution. From there, the critical component is people. Development, testing, feedback, further refinement, and ultimately launch are all steps that require the input and skills of people.
When launching an innovation, people are critical in helping get the word out, providing the necessary support, and connecting with potential customers. People test out ideas and develop solutions, but they are also vital for informing and driving adoption; this is why product and service providers need to listen to their customers and value the feedback, resources, and insights that people can provide. Innovation affects many aspects of our lives.
The people creating and launching new products and services must receive their due. People can give invaluable insight and direction to the ideas that drive innovation. Their contributions should be recognized, valued, and supported. Incredible breakthroughs exist by enabling those in the innovation process to follow their ideas and build solutions. Examining the role of people in innovation is vital to ensuring that their contributions and ideas are recognized and rewarded.