Arthurian Motif in The Book of Revelation.
There is an Arthurian motif in the Biblical Book of Revelation. The seven markers, I outline, prove the king we know as Arthur existed and tells how his motif will deceive the world. They are:
- "An enormous red dragon - Rev. 12:3". Reference to the Flag of Wales - Believed to be Arthur's birth place.
- "A beast coming out of the sea - Revelation 13:1" - Reference to the Merovingian Kings of France. Arthur is written into their line.
- "The dragon gave the beast his power. - Revelation 13:2". - The motto on the Flag of Wales. Translation from Gaelic.
- "One of the heads of the beast has a seeming fatal head wound. - Revelation 13:3; 12; 14". Refers to Arthur's seeming death wound.
- "The woman ... held a golden cup in her hand. Revelation 17:4". Pure Holy Grail imagery. The Roman Catholic genealogy of Arthur, "The Grail King".
- "He once was, now is not, and yet will come. Revelation 17:8". Referring to "The Once and Future King" - Arthur.
- "The seven heads...are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and not is not, is an eighth king. Revelation 17:9-11". Tracing the Caesars of Rome to the Caesar of John's time. A later king (Arthur) appears only to disappear from history and seemingly reappear as the eighth king.
This has been a brief thumbnail sketch of the central idea of my book, "The Revelation of King Arthur: Deceit, Intrigue, and the Guards' Account". I cover much more information, and am looking for an interested publisher. I can be contacted here on Linkedin or at: [email protected] Thanks, Robert.