ArtGallery@Home: Corona challenge vs. Corona chance

ArtGallery@Home: Corona challenge vs. Corona chance

So, the Corona pandemic is widely seen as negative. But here is an example of how the Corona obstacle was turned into something positive.

Corona lockdown restrictions have hardest hit those businesses where client facing activities are an essential part. That was not very different for gallery KARAK Art Lab & Galerie; a new enterprise in the beautiful city of Cologne(Germany), established in december 2019 which was able to build an increasing customer base thanks to art events (vernissage, finissage, concerts).

Current easing of lockdown in Germany allows many shops to reopen to clients, but event activities are still restricted. The gallery is now open to individual persons, but group meetings respectively events are still facing restrictions.

Mostly unaffected from lockdown are businesses, where home-office work respectively home-shopping is possible, that means the transaction area is virtual.

Well, of course getting a hair cut from an in cyberspace working barber is even today hardly imaginable. A gallery instead does have some possiblities where digitization can indeed offer an addon value and ease the pain of lockdown.

Kunstmuseum Basel for example did expand their digital service by offering a virtual tour (Museum@Home). The art work of the artists is not just visible as images, but similar to Google StreetView the virtual visitor can walk through the museum by using navigation buttons.

Thanks to virtualisation technology expert Jhon Jimenez the exposition space of KARAK Art Lab & Galerie and the here exposed art works have been virtualised. A virtual tour now allows through a 360 degree vision and zoom function to explore in a convenient way the art work and also gives detail informations of the artists.

As a result KARAK Art Lab & Galerie was able to mitigate the negative Corona restrictions; it now has a 24-hour/360 days visibility and also an enormous expanded customer range.

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Link to the virtual tour of KARAK Art Lab & Galerie

Link to KARAK Art Lab & Galerie

Are you interested in virtualization of your business?

Jhon Jimenez is very glad to advise you.


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