Aase Birkhaug
Physical Therapist Specialist - ACE Enhanced Coach - Doctor of Philosophy - Eligible The International Honorable Doctor of Arts Award -International CERTIFIED Artist - Painter ICA - Chancellor Education i Aase Birkhaug
Represented in this book in Italy
We invite you to the official launch of the Atlante dell’Arte Contemporanea, the programme for the day is described below:
Friday 15th February 2019
9.00 – 13.00
Auditorium, Museo dell’Ara Pacis
Lungotevere in Augusta (corner via Tomacelli)
Screening of the Atlas and handover of the volumes
15.00 – 18.00
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Aula Magna, Rettorato
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome
Conferences programme
IWe can anticipate the technical characteristics of the volume:
Category: Essay
Tags: art, contemporary art, atlas
ISBN: 9788851149963
Distribution date: 15/02/2019
Format: Hardback