Art of writing not back biting!
Avik Dutta
Writing is my hobby and talking is What I do for living! An absent minded professor!
Was juggling with few ideas.
Finally narrowed down my thoughts to writting skills.
People often appreciate my writing skills and don't think I am a good orator.
Often they ask what is the process that I follow when I write?
That is a very intriguing question.
The process I follow is to read different stuffs available on internet and then to dig inside me about what I want to write about.
Let me explain, 7 days before I was discussing 2 topics with my business partner and then after an eventful traumatizing week I choose this topic which is completely different from the earlier topics.
There are few reasons:-
1. I do have the liberty about writing in any topic which I choose as I don't have the boundations imposed by any media house or any Government pressure.
2. One of my idol whom I blindly follow like a textbook (Will not name him as there are some ill educated people who will try to question his nationality,caste,gender,sexual preference and may even try to create violence) told me once during the workshop just before the story telling session.
Idol- 'Whom are you waiting for to lead?'
Me - (Scared and in awe of the audience as I didn't had a job and uncertain about my future) Kept quiet.
On the last day when certificates were distributed he called me at last and told me to give a speech when all the participants were on stage and the chairs were empty.
Learning- If you keep quiet and always try to take the backseat, chances are your driver will always bang the car! You need to know when to pull the handbrake and when to push the brake with your leg.
So I choose to write.
3. Sponsored self made people and people who enjoy painful pleasure by torturing others and creating fuss about themselves by creating webinar and what not! Its challenging to challenge them when you have minus balance in your bank account.
4. Vulnerability is what drives me to write. Socio-political enviorment and turmoil in personal and professional life is the time when I write the best. The reason that I figured out off late is like VVS Laxman once said 'Difficult situations drive me however I need to improve when things are going fine and be less complacent'.
5. I figured out that if you write too much scientific stuffs(which I am not capable of writing) and don't validate it with real life instances it doesn't connect with the audience.
My business partner always write things which are scientific however some people don't understand. If you even look at his social media account,normal people will find those writing outrageous and stupid. To an extent I do agree. However, People who have worked with him know where it is coming up from!
6. Most importantly I never try to edit my stuffs. Second eye is most important and even better if it does have a third eye. More the filter and more you look out for a neutral perspective better will be your content. One way that I tried to follow is writing some stuffs on facebook and then to copy paste in different social media and look for opinions. Then I used to ask the readers to add on staffs or constructively criticize the article. However it had its loopholes, people reacted in certain manner.
1. Why I will write for Miracurall?
2. You are not paying me to edit it.
3. Some people even went to an extent of copy pasting Miracurall article and delete it from facebook and LinkedIn by hacking my account. There are 2 hours in between when facebook notifies you and unethical hackers did their job in between.
Supratik Bhattacharya and My view on this is same.
Either you learn how to write or else you can only translate stuffs with the help of softwares and let the Karma bite.
#hrd #hrm #writing #softskill #writingskill
Writing is my hobby and talking is What I do for living! An absent minded professor!
6 年Pooja Murarka
Writing is my hobby and talking is What I do for living! An absent minded professor!
6 年Anurag Batra
Writing is my hobby and talking is What I do for living! An absent minded professor!
6 年Iswarya Lakshmi Shanker
Writing is my hobby and talking is What I do for living! An absent minded professor!
6 年Maynard Leigh Associates India Thanks for the experience
Writing is my hobby and talking is What I do for living! An absent minded professor!
6 年Smita Shinde Happy reading