The art and witchcraft of ADs for Sales.
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The art and witchcraft of ADs for Sales.

Healthy human intimacy and prosperous B2C relationships share some overlap.

According to the researcher, Desmond Morris, there are twelve stages of intimacy for human-to-human interaction. And for a long-lasting relationship they must be followed in the correct sequence and at the correct pace.

Here are the codified stages in the following order to follow:

  1. Eye to body
  2. Eye to eye
  3. Voice to voice
  4. Hand to hand
  5. Hand to shoulder
  6. Hand to waist
  7. Mouth to mouth/ Face to face
  8. Hand to head
  9. Hand to body
  10. Mouth to body
  11. Hand to your no-no square. (I paraphrased)
  12. Adult expressions of love (paraphrased again)

While that list makes sense, there are two particularly interesting things Mr. Morris found in his research.

The first is this. At whichever stage you’re currently on in a relationship, if you want to move up the sequence smoothly, you can get away with skipping one stage. But you must never skip more than one. Leapfrogging over two puts you in the realm of uncomfortable weirdo.

Skipping three stages is assault.



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