ART What's It's All About - Part 2
In part one we discussed the concept of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. Today, I'm asking you to consider your reactions when you react to a piece of art.
Most art we see takes hours of technical work to accomplish: The nearly endless brushstrokes in a Van Gogh painting, the impossible perspectives of 3D street art, and the finest details of traditional portrait masters. However, not all the time on a masterpiece is always spent with brush & canvas.... most of it is spent in the mind of the artist. Hours and hours of visualization, developing the story and meaning of their work. Minimalism is a vastly misunderstood, and sublimely amusing art movement to share with others. What the heck does a giant white canvas have to do with art? Well, stand around a crowd of visitors at the at any world class museum and listen to the emotional reactions these and other minimalist paintings often get. Compare how long people stand around them, considering them, contemplating them, discussing them, and sometimes outright getting pissed off at them! They often achieve what all art seeks to achieve... an emotional reaction!
Give yourself a chance to image what was going through the mind of the artist while painting the piece. Where they interpreting some vastly elaborate allegory of the mind, or simply playing with paint, then creating a fascinating, and possibly infuriating back story to make the work more exciting? Either way, plan or play, it got you to stay! So, enjoy the ride and never hesitate to share what you see, no matter how hysterically silly it can be. Go out today, visit a museum, and have some fun.
#museums #art #play #emotion #creativity
Here 's one of my own works to hopefully amuse you. Please share your own story on what you see. Have fun and don't hold back. This could be very fun!
You can find many more on My Landscapes Gallery.
Have fun and I'll be looking back at you for your reactions. HeeHee.