Murat ülker
Chairman at pladis and Godiva Chocolatier and Board Member at Yildiz Holding
Regardless of the line of work, I believe the most important thing a professional needs is a diverse and broad perspective on things.
With pladis, we do business in over 120 countries. That makes a whole lot of different nationalities, backgrounds, point of views and tastes.
As a global business of this reach, it is important for us to understand what our employees, customers and consumers on these different geographies think, want, need. This mainly shapes the way we operate.
I believe art is a valuable enabler in this regard. Although it can be seen as a common ground or even a literacy of somekind, a single art piece can trigger different emotions and perceptions in everyone.
Based on this point, it is important to understand “the other”, the ones that differ from oneself, especially in the business world. Imagine what lines of biscuits would there be if we only produced the ones that matched our taste…
Opening our minds to this enriching sense of aesthetics is very important and I encourage my executive team to increase their exposure to art. That is how our art tours were born. We visit exhibitions as a team and discuss about the pieces we see, exchange different point of views.
When it comes to collecting or ownership of art, I think we never really own the art pieces but rather be their temporary bearers as long as we have them. And making sure they are seen and appreciated by the public is a responsibility that comes with the pieces.
That is why at our company, we embrace the principle of open office/exhibition. Our collection is showcased 24/7 in our building in Istanbul so that everyone; both colleagues and visitors from outside the company could come and visit.
Moreover, the collection is not limited to a single area, our colleagues are free and encouraged to hang pieces that they appreciate in their own rooms. Same rule applies in Istanbul, London, New York, basically in all of our offices around the world. And I am happy to see that this “beyond borders” exhibition expands in domino effect.
On a corporate level, we support art as much as we can through sponsorships and events that meet art with large masses, especially children. Cultivating the sense of aesthetics in children is all the more important which forms the basis of our junior art ateliers. We also support young talents, academics by enabling them access to leading international art events.
Art is embraced not just on a corporate level but brand level as well. We have several brands partnering up with artists and telling their stories through art.
So my point is this; art doesn’t just enhance you on a personal level but also enriches your way of looking at things and your way of working.
In this sense, it can be seen as a way of working itself and I believe making more room for this type of way of working in the business world is just what we need!
(Sanat Galerisi) Hotel'ler ?irket'ler ve Ev'leriniz i?in Sanat??dan Halka 1. S?n?f Orjinal Ya?l?boya Eserler 1988/2018
7 年Sevgiler Sayg?lar Sunuyorum
"The Curiosity Coach" (CPCC) (ACC) for Aspirations and Hardest Challenges in the Global and Changing Business Environment / Founder
8 年You are making such an important point about exposing our children to the arts as much as possible. We need to fund arts programs for children, we need to advocate for the survival and enrichment of these programs, and we need to make sure that our children spend enough "quiet" time with the arts in our technology era. I think it is also important to encourage children to run arts businesses...learn to commercialize their arts to gain an early insight into the world of innovation and entrepreneurship. Some art will inspire and others will help solve problems... Thank you very much for your post.
Management Consultant and Industry Advisor
8 年A universal medium with many different perspectives
team leader /
8 年Sorry! Starred chats are not creative?
Chairman at pladis and Godiva Chocolatier and Board Member at Yildiz Holding
8 年B?R “?ALI?MA” B???M? OLARAK SANAT Hangi i? kolunda olursa olsun, bir profesyonele gereken en ?nemli ?zelli?in her ?eyi ?e?itli ve geni? bir bak?? a??s?ndan g?rebilmek oldu?unu dü?ünürüm. Bizler pladis ile 120’den fazla ülkede i? yap?yoruz. Bu da bizi bir sürü farkl? milliyet, hayata bak?? a??s? ve tercihler ile kar?? kar??ya getiriyor. Bu kadar kapsaml? bir küresel i? yap?lanmas? i?inde bizim farkl? co?rafyalardaki ?al??anlar?m?z?n, mü?terilerimizin ve tüketicilerimizin neler dü?ünüp neler istedi?ini ve nelere ihtiya?lar? oldu?unu anlamam?z ?nemli. Bu bizim i? yap?? bi?imimizi ?ekillendiriyor. Sanat da bunu anlamam?z? mümkün k?lan en de?erli fakt?rlerden biri. . Her ne kadar ortak bir zevk (veya bir nevi kültür) gibi g?zükse de her sanat eseri herkeste farkl? duygular? ve alg?lar? tetikleyebilir. Bu anlay?? temelinde bak?ld???nda “di?eri”ni yani bizden farkl? olanlar? anlamak, ?zellikle de i? dünyas?nda, elzem oluyor. Dü?ünün bir, sadece kendi be?enimize ve kendi damak tad?m?za uyan bisküvileri üretiyor olsayd?k ne kadar az bisküvi ?e?idi olurdu… Dü?üncemizi ve anlay???m?z? bizi zenginle?tiren bu estetik duyusuyla ?ekillendirmek ?ok ?nemli ve ben de y?neticilerimi sanatla ilgilenmeleri i?in te?vik ediyorum. ??te bizim sanat turlar?m?z b?yle do?du. Bizler sergileri bir ekip olarak gezerek g?rdü?ümüz sanat eserleri üzerinde tart???p, farkl? bak?? a??lar?m?zla fikir al??veri?i yap?yoruz. Sanat koleksiyonerli?i ya da sanat eserlerine sahip olma konusuna gelirsek, bence biz bu eserlere sahip olmuyoruz, sadece bizde kald?klar? süre boyunca onlar? ge?ici olarak muhafaza ediyoruz. Ve bu eserlerin toplum taraf?ndan g?rülüp takdir edilmesini sa?lamak da i?te bununla birlikte gelen bir sorumluluk. ??te bu yüzden ?irketimizde a??k ofis-sergi ilkesini benimsiyoruz. Koleksiyonumuz ?stanbul’daki binam?zda 7/24 sergileniyor ve herkesin, yani hem mesai arkada?lar?m?z?n hem de ?irket d???ndan misafirlerin ziyaretine a??k tutuluyor. Ayr?ca, koleksiyon sadece belli bir mekanda sergilenmiyor, mesai arkada?lar?m?za be?endikleri eserleri kendi odalar?na asma imkan? ve deste?i veriyoruz. Ayn? kural ?stanbul’daki, Londra’daki, New York’taki yani bütün dünyadaki ofislerimizde ge?erli. Ve ben de bu “s?n?rlar ?tesi” serginin bir domino etkisi gibi geni?ledi?ini g?rmekten mutluyum. Kurumsal olarak da sanat? sponsorluklar ve büyük kitleleri, ?zellikle de ?ocuklar? sanatla bulu?turan organizasyonlar vas?tas?yla elimizden geldi?ince destekliyoruz. ?ocuklarda estetik duyusunu geli?tirmek ise hepsinden ?nemli, bu da bizim ?ocuk sanat at?lyelerimizin temelini olu?turuyor. Ayr?ca gen? yetenekleri ve ??retim üyelerini de ?nemli sanat organizasyonlar?na eri?imlerini sa?layarak destekliyoruz. Sanat? sadece kurumsal de?il ayn? zamanda marka düzeyinde de benimsiyoruz. Belirli markalar?m?z? sanat??larla e?le?tirip hikayelerini sanat üzerinden anlat?yoruz. S?ylemek istedi?im ?u ki, sanat sadece sizi ki?isel bir düzeyde geli?tirmekte kalm?yor, ayn? zamanda ?evrenizdeki her ?eye bak?? a??n?z? ve i? yapma ve ?al??ma bi?iminizi de zenginle?tiriyor. ??te bu anlamda sanat da bir ?al??ma bi?imi olarak g?rülebilir ve inan?yorum ki i? dünyas?nda b?yle bir ?al??ma bi?imine daha ?ok yer verilmesi tam da ihtiyac?m?z olan ?ey!