Art of Time Management

Art of Time Management

Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with Rs.86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!

Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.

If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the “tomorrow”. You must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success! The clock is running. Make the most of today.

  • To realize the value of ONE YEAR,
  • ask a student who failed a grade.
  • To realize the value of ONE MONTH,
  • ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
  • To realize the value of ONE WEEK,
  • ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
  • To realize the value of ONE HOUR,
  • ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
  • To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,
  • ask a person who missed the train.
  • To realize the value of ONE SECOND,
  • ask a person who just avoided an accident.
  • To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND,
  • ask the person who won a medal in the Olympics.
  • Treasure every moment that you have!?

Time Management is easily said than done. In the corporate setting you will often struggle to manage time due to the need for multitasking that will keep your day and weeks occupied. Hence, it is expected that you develop a sense of how you actually spend your time and keep a track of it. Thereafter you align your activities according to most important task first and then move gradually to the least important ones.

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Steven Covey in his book “First Things First” has talked about the importance of Prioritizing tasks by creating a 2×2 table. By following this rule we can identify the most urgent tasks that are simultaneously important. Following an approach like this will aid you in managing time and your tasks effectively.

Would like to learn more tools for effective time management , would like to know how successful people manage their time AND ACHIEVE MORE IN 24 HOURS ?

Come and join this free online workshop called -The Magic of thinking Rich . It will open for you new ways of thinking , taking action and achieving success.

The Magic of Thinking Rich workshop , is The World’s Biggest Free Online Workshop conducted by Bhupenddra Singh Raathore(Also Known As CoachBSR)?

CoachBSR has transformed more than 35 lac lives around the world through his live seminars, educational videos and online Trainings.

BSR is the driving force and mastermind behind, “The Magic Of Thinking Rich” workshop. This is World’s Biggest only free live workshop conducted for an entire month every quarter to transform people’s mindset and sow the seeds of success psychology because when the people change, the nation changes.

CoachBSR started this workshop as a social initiative in the month of November, 2020 with the sole purpose to help his fellow countrymen fight the adverse mental effects of the corona pandemic. If you want to experience the transformation, register for the workshop. Details given below.

The Magic Of Thinking Rich Season-4 (Hindi) (The World’s Biggest 21 Days Free Online Workshop)

Join Us From 15th August To 4th September 2021

Time : 7.30 PM – 9.00PM

Book Your FREE Seat Now


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