The art of the thinking space—a space filled with data -
Monika Mia Fleischmann
Artist /1987 ART+COM (Billion Dollar Code) /1989 VR Pioneer/VisWiz /MARS /eCultureFactory/ Fraunhofer AI/ZKM /1992 Ars Electronica Golden Nica /2018 SIGGRAPH Lifetime Achievement & Academy Award /2024 AWE XR Hall of Fame
by Wolfgang Strauss & Monika Fleischmann?
Abstract: Interactive media art is an art form that ‘transforms digital information and translates it into aesthetics of participative processes.’ In their artistic investigations, the artists and architects Fleischmann and Strauss focus on the concept of the ‘thinking space’ [Denkraum]. Following Aby Warburg's ‘space of thought’ (1929), they define the thinking space of interactive media art as a ‘space filled with data’ (Strauss, W., and M. Fleischmann. 2001. “Imagine Space Fused with Data.” In CAST 2001. Living in Mixed Realities, Fraunhofer IMK. Proceedings p. 41–45.). The artists’ thinking space is the artistic exploration of architecture of interactivity that ‘evokes’ communication ‘in a culture of simulation’ (Turkle, S. 2004). “A true evocative object … ” by involving people in a performative way. This article presents three of their projects, all based on the metaphor of the thinking space: ‘Semantic Map’, ‘Media Flow’ and ‘Energy Passages’ illustrate strategies of interactivity using artificial intelligence to ‘reinforce human intelligence’. The question is not whether machines can think, but whether people can still think when everything is automated.