The Art of A Successful Introduction
Do you ever get messages on Linkedin or via email from someone in a totally unrelated industry? Often these messages are very long and talk about potential synergies even though what you do has absolutely no relevance to the topic they're discussing...
My agency spends a lot of time thinking about other people, whether it's our clients and their needs, or more often about their customers and how we can help the client communicate something compelling that the customer will appreciate and respond to.
We also spend a lot of time and energy (and money) reaching out to people to introduce our products and services, but in the process we always focus on two things:
1. Finding the right people. We only target the exact job titles at specific companies we know we can help. We respect each person's time enough to only introduce our agency if we feel we can be genuinely helpful to that individual.
2. We speak to their needs quickly and consistently. We're respectful of their time and focus on how we can be helpful to them while being totally transparent and genuine about soliciting their business.
I invite you to see just how we do this by visiting
I'd love to help you find creative and effective ways to reach your audience with a communication they'll appreciate and respond to. - Wil Seabrook, CEO