The Art of Stress Management & Anxiety
Khurram Hussain
| Grant Writer | Management Consultant | Head of Compliance & Risk |
Stressful event is followed up by “adrenaline” rush that boosts our performance in certain situations and help out in finding solutions in chaotic conditions. However, too much of this drug is extremely damaging for our body/soul and may lead to anxiety.
Stress in our society has become an integral part of our day-to-day life. Technology has constantly connected us with work and family circles, making us available 24/7. This has brimmed our to do lists leaving little to no time for ourselves. A recent study at Yale University School of Medicine and the University of California, Los Angeles highlighted that an average person in every modern society absorbs four to five episodes of stress every week. Too much, isn’t it?
Although stress is inevitable, it can be effectively managed through practical strategies. By incorporating gradual adjustments to our lifestyle, mastering the art of calming the stress response and dedicating more time to self-care, one can enhance their stress resilience. Nevertheless, achieving success in stress management requires a shift in perspective. Rather than perceiving stress as a negative force, embrace it as a positive catalyst that propels you towards achieving your goals. However, riding this powerful horse requires skill and persistence to master. Here is what you need to know about this challenge;
How Our Stress Response System Works?
Understanding our body’s behavior in response to the stress situation helps in better comprehending the complexity of the matter involved. The whole process takes place in two phases. During the first phase, as an instantaneous reaction to the stress, our body releases shots of “adrenaline” into our blood stream, making our heart thump, boosting immune system and enhancing sensitivity level of our senses. During the 2nd phase, the higher levels of “adrenaline” trigger adrenal glands that produces “cortisol”. This hormone helps in regulating the higher levels of “adrenaline” by balancing them out. Otherwise, our body may become hyperactive and worn out soon. However, if these phenomenon trigger too much in our daily lives, they tend to raise levels of “adrenaline” and “cortisol” making them toxic.
How Athletes Manage Stress?
We might benefit in dealing with stress by employing the strategy that top athletes follow. Interestingly, they are taught that stress can help them bag wonderful performances but only under “controlled environment”. This controlled environment is what we need to replicate in our real lives to harness the benefits while safeguarding against the damaging effects of stress and anxiety. This four-pronged stress management strategy shall help you in effectively check mating stress like professional athletes. Fig-1.
Stress Management Techniques
1.?????Performance stress Management: This stress is considered positive and drives us to do better and better. However, too much of it can have inverse effect as well. The breakeven point is the moment it starts bringing you down instead of pushing upward. The ideal approach to manage it is by setting realistic performance targets, reaching out to mentors and lead experts in the concerned domain for seeking guidance.
2.?????Physical Stress Management: Physical stress triggers due to over usage of body muscles. This if left untreated can trigger other types of stresses. Management may simply require better nutritious diet, rest and 8 hours of good sleep.
3.?????Emotional Stress Management: Emotional stress most of the time triggers from over expectations, severe emotional attachment with matter involved and being too sensitive. This requires a bit long term treatment and teaching yourself to remain content with what you have in hand, following religious practices and seeking psychologist if required.
4.?????Switching Off Stress Response/Vagus Nerve: Vagus nerves are few of the longest and dominating nerves in human body. They start from the head i.e., behind ears, run through chest all the way down to the abdomen. These nerves act like communicators for vital organs like heart, lungs and digestive system. Therefore, activation of vagus nerves after a spell of stress can dramatically lower the levels of cortisol (up to 40%), reduce inflammation and bring the brain back to normal state of affairs. The switch off button pops up with the consistent practice of Yoga & Meditation in daily life.
Roadway to be Stress Resilient:
Making big changes in our lives can often feel overwhelming. To keep yourself accountable, try designing your own action plan that includes the steps you want to take to ease your stress. Start small by reminding yourself to take a walk for 20 minutes a day, or cook a meal using stress-busting ingredients. You could even try checking in with a loved one once a week to downgrade your stress – and lend a friendly ear to them, too.
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