The art of staying 'top of mind'? with your sponsors

The art of staying 'top of mind' with your sponsors

Are you so busy trying to attract new sponsors AND maintain your current partnerships that it feels impossible to find other ways to stay ‘top of mind’ and remind them why together, you’re such a great team?

I’m certainly busy. I know you’re absolutely flat out.

I think it’s safe to say that everyone is busy. There’s never going to be an argument that we all have too many things to do with the amount of time we have available!

Having said that… I want you to imagine for a moment, the sick feeling of dread growing in your belly as you pick up the phone to your major sponsor, who’s calling you to make a time for an impromptu ‘review meeting’.

Your mind races. A review meeting? You know it isn’t ‘that’ time of the year, invoices aren’t due for a long time, contracts don’t need renewing, our last event went well, didn't it… what on Earth do they want to speak with you about?

The added stress you are now feeling could have been avoided.

I emailed one of my clients this week to see if they were aware that their major corporate partner was recruiting for a new Senior Marketing & Sponsorship Manager. I wanted to make sure that they were taking every opportunity to be proactive in their ongoing relationship-building with this company as I know this partnership is bringing in a huge amount of money for them each year...


We're thrilled to announce our new 12-month sponsorship course for fundraisers!

Over the last 8 years, I've had the privilege of working alongside incredible fundraisers and organisations from all over the world, helping guide their journey through the stages of planning, finding, connecting with and keeping amazing corporate partners.

Together we've raised millions of dollars that have collectively transformed their ability to reach their mission and increase their impact and influence.

And now, we're excited to let you know that we've incorporated all of the rich experience and knowledge we've gained into a brand new 12-month sponsorship program for fundraisers.

I've spent years crafting this course and bench-marking it, not only against other sponsorship experts globally, but against other online courses, as well as incorporating the specific support and guidance that For-Purpose fundraisers need. (We know you're time poor, so you'll find us helpful and supportive coaches and cheer squads!)

If you need a step-by-step sponsorship plan & implementation strategy as well as someone to keep you accountable and on track, then you can learn more here.

Corporate partnerships are a marathon, not a sprint. It can take 9-12 months to bring in a decent sponsorship, but if you are making your approach to a brand with a gold, silver, bronze proposal or a letter that you 'copy and paste' the name of each new company into, then you are missing out on money that can transform your ability to make a bigger impact in this world.

The sponsorship and marketing landscape has changed radically, I want to show you how you can move with it and why today more than ever, the time is right for you to do it! Believe me, the new research is in your favour.


Don't forget to stop by and introduce yourself to your fellow fundraising compatriots in our Facebook group!

Why not ask for a couple of tips so we can help you solve some of your sponsorship struggles? We'd love to help! Join the Facebook group here.


