When I wrote my previous article, MOST DANGEROUS DISEASE - DANGEROUS THAN CANCER, I promised that I will write the next article to answer the question I raised. This article is in continuation to that article. If you have not yet read that article then you may like to read it. You will get the answers to many unanswered questions in your life
Small Exercise
Before you read this article, just take a pause and perform below exercise.
Close your eyes, take a long breath-in & turn your mind inward. Then think about all the problems that you have faced in the last 3 months or are still facing. Once you open your eyes, note down all the problems causing misery in your life.
Problems in Life
If you analyze closely, you will find that there are hardly 5 or 6 causes of misery that we are repeatedly facing in our life.
- Business or job related
- Relationship related
- Health related (Yours or your near and dear one)
- Unable to get rid of bad habits
- Unable to get rid of past guilts
- Fear of future
That is all I can think of. If you have any other problems, then put it in the comment section below.
How do you deal with the problems?
When you come across some problem, how do you deal with it? Justifying yourself, proving yourself right, crying, convincing others, frustrating, scolding yourself or others, grumbling, complaining, discussing, gossiping. But you may have experienced that none of these have helped you to resolve the problems. More you try to solve the problems, the worse it becomes. So our experiences tells us that this is not the right way to solve the problems. Then what is the correct way to deal with the problems and situations in our life?
Instead of trying to find the way to deal with the problems, let us understand what is the root cause of all the problems in our life.
Close your eyes, and think about the root cause and list it down before you read further.
Your behaviors in different situations
By now you must have prepared the root cause of problems in your life. Well I can tell you that the root cause of all your problems is just one, not many. Before I answer this question, think about the below situations in your life.
Situation 1: Bad day at office
Think about the situation when you come back from the office after having a bad day. As soon as you arrive at home, your little daughter (or someone dear to you) shows you the nice painting she made. Usually you love to spend time with her. But now in this situation how do you react? Question is not about how you respond to her, but your inner reaction.
Not interested to see the picture at that moment? Want to run away from everything? Little anger? Irritation? Frustration?
Situation 2: Going on vacation
Think about another situation. You have not taken holiday for a very long time. And now you are going on week-long vacation at your favorite destination with your best friends. Now something happens at this time that generally makes you angry. Say, your driver has not cleaned the car properly. How do you react in this situation?
Forgiving? Inform him politely to clean it properly?
Do you see? Same you, but your reaction is very different in the above two situations. One situation which generally gives you joy but you are very irritated. Another situation which generally makes you angry but you are forgiving. What is that thing that makes this shift in you?
This some thing in you is very important to understand reasons for problems in your life and its solution. What is that thing, WHEN YOU HAVE IT, you feel light, joyful, happy, enthusiastic, forgiving and positive. You feel lucky and find that all your problems are getting solved automatically. you have a lot of potential to deal with any kind of situation in your life.
And when you don't have that thing, you feel angry, frustrated, heavy from inside, dull, dejected, irritating, low, unhappy, stuck in many problems and unable to handle situations. Looks like everything is going wrong. All your efforts are going in vain.
Think about it and note it down before you read further.
Root cause of all the problems
Have you heard about Prana? Prana is subtle life force energy. When you have it your life is magically smooth. When you don't have it you see that murphy's law is working in your life.
Closest analogy of Prana inside body is rechargeable cells. When a cell is discharged, in whatever instrument you place, it will not function properly. And whenever it is fully charged, instrument functions properly.
In a similar way when your prana is low, you will see that you will not have enough energy to deal with the problems and situations in life. But when your Prana is high, you can easily deal with any situation.
What is the precondition for the formation of cyclones? It is a low pressure. Low pressure in the center and high pressure in the surrounding forms the cyclone. In a similar way when you have a low Prana, situations, sensory objects and people around you overpowers you. And you are not able to deal with it. That creates all the problems in your life.
So by some means, if you can increase your Prana, you can easily solve all the problems in your life. If you don't believe this then let us one by one go through the problems we listed before and see how you can solve it easily just by increasing Prana.
How Prana can solve all the problems in your life
1. Business or job related
Business and job is all about making the right decision at the right time and dealing with situations and people. If your Prana is low, then you cannot make the right decisions. You cannot handle situations well. But if your Prana is high, then you can easily handle situations well and be able to make the right decisions. So you can do well in your Business/Jobs when Prana is high.
2. Relationship related
You can maintain healthy relationships only when you come from the space of giving rather than gaining out of the relationship. Expectation kills relationships. Not having empathy for your partner is another reason for spoiling the relationship. All such situations arise when Prana is low. When Prana is low, you demand rather than give, you doubt your partner, a cloud of misunderstanding creates, and you are clueless how to come out of it. Usually in this situation, you try to explain yourself. But it can never work. But instead of investing time in such things, you can invest time to increase your Prana. Once your pran is high, you'll see you are a lot of positivity. More than your words, silence will easily solve your problems. Now instead of demanding in a relationship you have a tendency to give. So just by increasing your Prana, you can maintain your relationship well.
3. Health related (yours or your near and dear one)
Do you know that 95% of the disease has a relation with the state of your mind (directly or indirectly)? You must have observed that those who keep themselves engaged, have less tendency to get disease. But when you are not doing anything, you catch up in negative things. That drains your little Prana you had. And slowly you catch up to one or another kind of disease.
Have you heard about the Aura photography? It's very popular in Western countries. It's been observed that, before disease touches your physical body, it first enters in your aura. You can easily see the spots in your aura photograph. Usually it takes months before it touches your physical body. And there are ways to remove it from your aura without any medication.
If your Prana is high, your aura is more expanded and clean. You have a tendency to remain happy and positive. Your mind will be peaceful. So there will be less chances that you caught up in diseases.
4. Unable to get rid of bad habits
You're caught up in bad habits only when your Prana Shakti is low. So just by increasing your Prana, you can easily get rid of any habit.
5. Unable to get rid of past guilts & Fear of future
Have you ever observed your mind carefully? Like a pendulum, mind vacillates between two extremes. Mind either goes to the past or in future.
When the mind goes in the past, it brings guilt and anger. Guilt because of mistakes that you have done in the past. And anger because someone else did the mistake and you are not able to forgive them and let go.
When the mind goes in the future, it brings anxiety and worries. Mind tries to control the future which is impossible to control. And that brings fear.
During your entire lifetime, you accumulate guilt, anger, anxiety, worries and fear. But you are not aware of any tool to release it. Over the period of time that transforms into disease.
Mind at one point of time can only be at one place. So if it is in the future or past, it cannot be in the present moment. So what your activity you are doing you cannot do it hundred percent. Because of that you cannot get the right fruits of your actions. You might think that I am doing a lot of hard work but I am not getting the right result.
So what is the way to bring the mind in the present moment? Answer is increasing Prana Shakti. Just by increasing your Prana, you will develop a tendency to remain in the present moment. And that will help you to get results with less effort in whatever you do.
By now, you must be convinced that just by increasing your Prana, you can easily solve any problems in your life. Now the next question comes in your mind is How to increase the Prana? That will be the topic for my next article. Stay tuned.
All, I am happy to inform you all that I have published the second part of this article. Here is the link. Please share your comments and suggestions.
Narrative Builder | Strategy & Communications | Chevening Scholar | PhD Scholar | Sports | Sustainability
3 年Truly well elucidated.?
Account Manager at Point Blank Advertising
4 年When will you release the next article..This was well written and so informative
Facilitator | Wellness Coach | Founder Director, Smile Wellness Foundation | Entrepreneur
4 年Very well written and well expressed
Independent Consultant
4 年Vijay ji, well written articles, enjoyed reading both of them.? You may not remember me. I met you briefly during a basic AOL course (refresher) which Satyendra Pandey ji taught in your society many years ago. Regards, Piyush Singh Like Reply