Art Social in Name
Rod Jones Artist-Writer
Writer of Human Generated Literary Works | Unconventional Short Stories & Think Pieces at | Contemporary Abstract Artist | Proud Navy Veteran
The name is the game; or so it would seem. We all try to brand ourselves and that usually starts with our names. Liking it, or disliking it: whether it be bestowed upon us at birth and we accept it; or as we mature we take it upon ourselves to create a name that will become synonymous with what we think we are or should be.
If you were to ask virtually anyone on the street to name a famous artist, the vast majority would immediately say Picasso. It is a pretty cool name, and if you think about it; his name really exemplifies the style of art he gendered. We all know he got his name at birth, and then through his lifetime he made that name; Picasso— synonymous with his uniquely original art.
There are lots of guys named Denny; but when you add an S to it, you have Denny’s, the famous restaurant chain. There's a gentleman by the name of Fred Smith, a pretty unassuming name. Fred just happens to be the guy who started FedEx. I suspect if their slogan was “let Fred Smith deliver your package anywhere in the world on time,” you might think twice about handing your package over to a company called Fred Smith. FedEx on the other hand sounds pretty reliable, of course they had to build the company by delivering on their promise. That's why we trust FedEx.
Social media names. Some people spend countless hours agonizing over the name they choose. I have a relative who has no doubt, changed their social media name over a dozen times. I'm still not sure if any one of them was better or worse than any other. Our social media monikers often reveal much about the person posting....
Read the rest at and you can name this painting. There might even be a FREE Poster in it for you if your name is chosen.