The Art of Self-Expression
The art of self-expression is a true way to reveal a message through storytelling whether it be by verbal expression, emotional expression or through the creative art expression.
Creative writers, speakers and artist have shared their amazing gifts with the world through-out history expressing not just their incredible talent, vision and insight, but have given us their heart and soul by allowing us to take a peek inside the depths of their souls.
Sometimes the message is very clear, and other times it takes a bit more observation for the message to speak to you, and to reveal it secrets.
I believe that everyone has a Pablo Picasso, Georgia O’Keeffe (artist), Zora Neale Hurston, J.K. Rowling, and Stephen King (writers) or a John Lennon (singer songwriter) in them, since we are all constantly telling our own stories about ourselves, other people and the world we live in, whether we know it or not.
This is where the art of expressing what you feel, love, hate and admire can be useful. Through the creative talents, and artistic mediums for which we have the power to craft, mold and create from our own perspectives.
One of my true passions and talents lie in the art of fashion designing. A gift sometimes taken for granted because it comes so naturally to me.?
When I was a young girl my mother who was an amazing fashion designer and interior decorator, sat me down at a sewing machine. She only had to show me once. I was a natural. It was so easy.?
When I was fourteen my father died, and I was filled with grief??lost of my dad, and the pain and sorrow it caused my mother. Life had taken a sharp turn and I didn’t quite know how to process it all at the time. But one thing I came to realized, is that life was not fair.
I really didn’t get a chance to express my grief about it until I was asked by my teacher to write down what the meaning of hope meant to me. That’s when I responded with these simple words. "Hope Is The Breath Of A Dying Man" Wow! I was a poet and didn’t even know it.
That was the first time that something so important to me; and the way I felt at the time was truly being expressed through written words. By the way, that statement (short poem) was selected and entered into that years graduating class year book; with my name attached as the author.
I won a scholarship to attend the fashion industries high school, and later went on to the Fashion Institute of Technology (NY State University) where I sharpened my skills as a fashion apparel and millinery designer.
Every Artist Needs A Story
I believe that, creativity is something you’re born with; it can’t be taught. However there are certain techniques and skills you can acquire in the development process; but true creativity comes from within and is like your own unique finger print.?
My passion is to use my artistic expression and creativity to create a beautiful world. To be creative you need imagination, and vision. I imagined a royal kingdom. A place where everything is beautiful. There is peace, love, joy and happiness; a place where women are queens. Crowned as the guardians and protectors of the family, the earth, sea and the air. Who’s presence shine in the world like the stars in the universe.
And that was the story I shared in my article, and through the beautiful uniquely creative crown headdresses I designed. As destiny would have it, and to my complete surprise many years after graduating from "The Fashion Institute of Technology" I found myself being sort after by the university. Somehow they had heard about what I was up to all these years later, and contacted me because they wanted to feature my story, and feature my glorious creations in their FIT Alumni Magazine.?
World Changing Artist
The true art of self-expression is when your gifts are shared, and received by others. The impressions that they make, and how they are viewed are priceless.?
There is beauty all around us. The creator of the universe and ultimate designer of life’s most beautiful and precious gift - The World! Has allotted us all with some form of creativity.??In the book of Genesis; it was through the spoken word that brought forth life as we know it - into existence, and "It Is Good" Then inspired and written in the most popular and best-selling book of all times. The Holy Scriptures.
For me, as an influencer and creator it is about sharing the arts, gifts and talents to tell the stories from a true place of self-expression through the arts that fosters world chance in the right direction.
Michael Jackson,?singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the "King of Pop",?best expressed human destruction to the earth in his, Heal the World Lyrics; and What Have We Done to The World.
Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright who spent most of his adult life in France. He was from an era in which expressionism and post Impressionism influenced his art, as it told the stories of that time period.
While, Lee Alexander McQueen, CBE a British fashion designer and couturier influence fashion styles through his expression and views of todays world. “Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment. I find beauty in the grotesque, like most artists. Give me time and I'll give you a revolution.” Said’s McQueen.
Art expressions are captivating and have a way of impacting those who take in the meaning expressed, and intended by the artist.
When using my creative gifts, and talents to view the world through the colorful lens, and spectrum of life; as an artist I get to observe, and take notice of life’s changing stories. I get to choose, and to see the beauty, the meaning, and the message it brings.?