The Art Of Seducing Your Marketplace
One of my favourite authors (and someone who should be studied closely by all coaches and entrepreneurs) is Robert Greene.
He's written books like "The 48 Laws of Power", "The 33 Strategies of War", "The Laws of Human Nature" and "The 50th Law" (with 50 Cent), but there's a lesser-known book that deserves study called "The Art of Seduction".
One might think a book on seduction has little value for coaches, but I disagree.
While at first glance it looks like it's only for those wanting to win the hearts of others (or get them into bed), there are lessons that carry over into the business world, such as:
- "You must first understand a critical property of love and desire: the more obviously you pursue a person, the more likely you are to chase them away"
(People don't want to hire a needy coach who stalks and hounds them daily until they submit and give their credit card info. Playing a little hard to get works in the dating AND coaching world ...)
- "Self-esteem is critical in seduction. Your attitude toward yourself is read by the other person in subtle and unconscious ways. Low self-esteem repels, confident and self-sufficiency attract. The less you seem to need other people, the more likely others will be drawn to you"
(All of those "vulnerability" posts on social media are probably hurting coaches more than helping them. Prospects don't want to work with a basket case or someone broadcasting their breakdowns publicly)
- "Show calm and self-possession in the face of adversity. Adversity and setbacks actually provide the perfect setting for charm. Showing a calm, unruffled exterior in the face of unpleasantness puts people at ease ... welcome adversity as a chance to show the charming qualities of magnanimity and poise ... never whine, never complain, never try to justify yourself"
(See above. Challenges are inevitable in business, and others will notice how you're handling them ... are you a winner, or a whiner?)
If you're looking to get more clients into your coaching business, and you have the right mindset, check out The Coaching Jungle Mastermind. Details here: