Edwin Pfanzagl-Cardone
Head of Sound- and Acoustics-Department, SALZBURGER FESTSPIELE
Despite the ongoing pandemic I would like to share with you my joy about the publishing of my new book on SPRINGER Nature with the title "THE ART AND SCIENCE OF SURROUND AND STEREO RECORDING".
A fair number of members in the pro-audio community, who I have the honor to be linked to on this portal, will find their work covered or at least mentioned in this publication ... :-)
I am touching a few controversial matters in this book, mainly related to the question of signal-correlation and signal-coherence. Despite its seemingly theoretic background, the writing of this book came out of practical work considerations and has been written with sound-engineers (but also researchers) in mind: the discrepancy between theory tought at some highly respected institutions and real-world practice of sound-engineers has led me to reserach into basic questions, discovering - among other things - that the majority of stereo main-mic techniques is all but 'stereophonic' over the entire frequency range, at least what concerns the diffuse part of sound ...
What may be new to many readers is my 'frequency-dependent cross correlation' analysis (FCC) applied to both surround and stereo recordings; also, by use of a diffuse-field compensated artificial human head (Neumann KU81) I have managed to introduce a 'human reference', which proved very helpful in respect of acoustic data analysis as well as subjective listening tests. Conclusions drawn are not only relevant to the field of classical music, but for the much broader field of 'acoustic music recording'. Those readers who are not too much into 'theory', will certainly enjoy the last chapter which deals with vintage recordings by RCA ('Living Stereo'), DECCA, COLUMBIA/SONY and MERCURY ('Living Presence'), as well as more recent case studies ranging from orchestral to small ensemble and solo instrument recording.
As can be read also in this last chapter, apart from all theory, there is certainly also a very practical aspect covered in this book, presenting - among quite a number of rather unknown or new microphone techniques - also my "BPT" (Blumlein-Pfanzagl-Triple) microphone, which is covered by patents in several contries and is being manufactured by NEVATON in St. Petersburg: considered by some 'Tonmeisters' to be 'a real game changer' I find it very helpful in realising my 'NATURAL PERSPECTIVE' recording approach (see one of my last LinkedIn posts).
#theartofrecording ; #theartofsound ; #vintage ; #correlation ; #coherence ; #stereo ; #surround ; #DECCA ; #Blumlein ; #BPT ; #3Daudio ; #immersive ; #3D ; #livingstereo ; #livingpresence ; #microphone ; #sound ; #acoustics ; #psychoacoustics