The Art and Science behind Localizing UI Strings
In today's newsletter we’re bringing you valuable content on localizing UI strings. These bits of text may seem small, but they play a pivotal role in making software accessible worldwide. Localization specialists often face numerous challenges when working with them: handling complex file formats, managing hundreds of translations, and collaborating with developers.
We chose this topic because UI strings can make or break a user’s experience. And Lingoport is always here to help you understand how to handle all the challenges and offer practical tips.
In addition to the main topic, we’re happy to announce that Lingoport's experts will be participating in a LocWorld Conference. We strongly recommend not missing this event.?
First things first, let's begin!
Featured Article. What are the Best Approaches to Localizing UI Strings?
Check out our article on localizing UI strings where we provide valuable, practical information which you can start using right away. Learn about common challenges and how to overcome them, including tips for managing dynamic content, cultural symbolism, and font compatibility.
Discover how you can optimize your UI for a global audience, with insights from over 20 years of localization experience at Lingoport.
Upcoming Webinar. The Life and Complications of a UI String
It’s fascinating to see the journey a single line of text takes to become part of globalized software. Join us on October 17 for an insightful webinar, where we’ll give you a behind-the-scenes look at the localization of UI strings.
Find insights that can truly ease the process of working with UI elements. Register to participate in the event or be the first to get a webinar recording once it’s published!
Featured Event. Lingoport at LocWorld Conference – October 29
Even a small localization team can manage the translation of millions of words per year across 33 languages for 10 products and marketing teams. Learn how from Brandon Roddley, a Linguistics Engineer at CNH Industrial.
Brandon has spent the last two years managing translation data assets at the enterprise level, as well as overseeing APIs, translation memories, and termbases. If efficient software localization is your goal, you’ll want to hear his insights.
Brandon W. Roddey - Linguistics Engineer at CNH , and
Todd Flaska - V.P. of Sales at Lingoport .
Brandon will share tips and practical advice on turning chaotic workflows into well-organized processes. You can gain insights on adopting localization best practices, the do's and don'ts for global teams, and strategies to scale operations with limited staff.
Don't miss out on this talk on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.
Register now before it’s too late!
Webinar Recording Available. Learn How to Manage Localization in Enterprise SaaS from Sean Kinsell, Former Localization Lead at Medidata
Sean Kinsell, PMP has served over 14 years in localization at Medidata, the last eight years launching and managing the Enterprise Localization Program. During the webinar, he shares a wealth of knowledge about building a high-performing localization team, automating localization processes, and aligning them with broader company goals!
Topics Sean Kinsell covered:
Host: Adam Asnes , CEO, Lingoport
Guest Speaker: Sean Kinsell, PMP , Former Localization Lead at Medidata Solutions
Latest Blog Articles:
9 Internationalization Best Practices for Effective Software Localization
Explore the top internationalization (i18n) best practices to streamline localization and enhance user experience. Learn how to prepare your product for global markets efficiently.
Software Localization Explained: Challenges, Best Practices, and Benefits
Discover what software localization is, challenges, best practices, ways to implement it into software development, and trends; see how proper software localization can benefit you.
Don't forget that Lingoport is always here to help you with software localization. Book a call and learn what we can do for you!