The Art of Scaling Deep ??
Oftentimes, we don’t have succinct words or one pagers that capture the essence of Coralus. Just like the regenerative nature of coral, the essence of our story is communal - ever evolving, and growing. Each time someone at Coralus shares what it’s like to be in the community from their most authentic and individual expression, it adds to the deepening of our collective story. It’s a rich multi-faceted tapestry of voices and heart-centred interactions that demonstrate the diversity of experiences and inspiring stories made possible within a community that puts relationships first.
As we continue to find the others and sense into our shared narrative as a collective, we invited Tatiana Fraser of The Systems Sanctuary to meet with members of the Coralus community and go deeper into their personal stories of transformation. Through the last decade of her research, Tatiana has outlined a framework called “The Art of Scaling Deep” and saw many common threads in the way we self organize and operate at Coralus.
Scaling deep is the personal transformation and healing work; getting to the root, challenging dominant thinking about how change happens. Instead of scaling up and out, it’s a deepening; a continuous process of reflection and action, renewal, and interconnection. It’s a re-membered way of being and doing that feels and looks different from the way most of the dominant world teaches us to operate. This is the work that has been traditionally undervalued, unquantified, and under-resourced, yet powers the true impact behind the Coralus community.
“The narratives shared by the Coralus members during the discussion on scaling deep reveal a common pathway characterized by transformation, community collaboration, and a shift in defining success.” - Tatiana Fraser
Through many gatherings and interviews, we surface stories and moments that contribute to the personal transformation and systemic change we are co-creating. Among them, you’ll hear stories of…
and much more…
We invite you to scale deep with the Coralus community and learn more about our work with Tatiana and Systems Sanctuary by: