The art: Report Writing
A report is written for a clear purpose and to a specific audience.
Major components of a general report:
Title Page
This section includes your name, the date and for whom the report is written.
- In less than 200 words ... what was the problem, how was it investigated, what did you find out and what do your findings mean?
Table of Contents
- A list of the major and minor sections of your report.
- Set the scene; give some background information about the topic. State the aim/purpose of the investigation. Outline the body sections.
Main Body
- Organize the sections in a logical sequence: what you investigated, what you found, what interpretations and what judgements you made. Use short informative headings and subheadings.
- What has been achieved and what is the significance of your findings and your discussion? Have your aims been successful or not?
- What do you recommend as a course of action following your conclusion?
- A list of all the sources you used.
- Any information (graphs, charts, tables or other data) you used in your report but did not include in the body.