The Art of Quick Decision Making: Why Speed Over Perfection Leads to Success
No matter what, there is no perfect decision in life. There is nothing that can take you to the future to see if you made the right or wrong decision. You will never know how the other choices would have played out, whether they would have been better or worse.
For example, let’s say you quit your job to start up your own business and this ends up being very successful making you lots of money, that would have been the right decision. You could however have made the wrong decision and stayed in that dead-end job no wanting to take the risk. However, it might not play out like that and there is no way of truly knowing which decision is the best one until you have done it.
Remember, no matter what decision you choose you will never know the outcome of it and if it was the best one or not. So, just pick one and be happy with what you choose!
Instead of trying to make the perfect decision that doesn’t exist you should be utilising your time to create more opportunities. For example, creating more meetings, even if they are only short 15 minute ones, this will help to open new relationships or you could even run more marketing tests on the social media platforms to see which works best.
You need to be more efficient with your tasks allowing you to have more time to create opportunities and do more things to grow your business.
Most of the time the fastest and first decision you make is the right decision. Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t think of all the other decisions and look at all the possible outcomes, but realising that the best decision is normally the quickest one you make will allow you to stop overthinking every move you make.
You should never look at a decision as a mistake, even if it didn’t end well, because you will always learn from what you chose to do and if it goes well then that’s a winner!
Choosing the make decisions quickly instead of trying to make the perfect decision is better in my eyes as you can always fix a wrong decision. However, if you were to spend loads of time making that decision for it to turn out to be wrong anyway, then you will not only be annoyed that it didn’t go the way you want, but you will have also wasted time, which you could have used more wisely.
My last point is, do not care what other people think! At the end of the day your losses are yours, nobody else’s. The time that you would spend worrying about what other people think, you could use so much more productively. One of the main thing that matters in today’s business world is speed, and no worrying about others will allow you to do everything much faster.