The art of procuring logistics and supply chain software
Descartes Systems UK Ltd
Global leader in providing on-demand, Software as a Service solutions for logistics-intensive businesses,
Welcome to Descartes’ Fleet Connections newsletter, this month we take a look at how difficult it can be to select and procure logistics and supply chain software.
Procuring any kind of logistics software can be a complex process, with several challenges and potential risks to overcome:
By understanding these challenges and approaching the procurement process strategically, businesses can increase their chances of selecting the right logistics software and realising its full potential and benefits.
To aid this process and help better inform procurement teams Descartes recently held a webinar in association with Logistics Business website, and Phil Turton*, owner of Viewpoint Analysis titled Logistics Software – Beyond the RFI & RFP. The art of mastering logistics software selection and procurement.
The webinar covered;
Watch the recording now to be better prepared for future logistics software purchases.
*Phil Turton is the owner of Viewpoint Analysis Ltd, the Technology Matchmakers. After more than 20 years working in sales for some of the world's largest IT vendors (SAP, HP, Informatica), he now helps business leaders quickly find and select enterprise technology and shares how to best work with the technology vendor community.
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