Art Primitive Gallery
Is  pleased to present Jeff Roland

Art Primitive Gallery Is pleased to present Jeff Roland

Art Primitive Gallery

Is pleased to present

Jeff Roland

Equilibri sopra la follia


                                     9 February - 7 March 2018

Vernissage 19.00

The result of a careful selection to the language, themes and background of each of the artists, who are inspired by

outsider art, folk art and Art brut.

             The exhibition will be held in the The bookstore Mulino dei libri 

                            via Mazzini 34  Sarzana La Spezia Italy  

                                           Curator Marco Abbagnara



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Jeff Roland is an artist of French descent who currently lives with his family in Eulmont, Lorraine, France.  He creates these very intriguing paintings depicting human-like figures in interesting settings. In short, Roland likes playing with ideas of individuality and differences. I think he's a talented artist who tells a story with every painting. 

"Life is a Dream and Art makes it become Reality.Art is a Vehicle for Human evolution, it acts as a gate between what was and what will be, bringing the ancestral fears and conquests to the minds of the digital age. My paintings are the interconnected pieces of a poem, woven with the fabric of our human experience. They tell the tale of who we are. I believe a deep intuitive understanding results . Our dreams come through.We have to live a in a chaotic world when we all thrive in harmony. My painting shows that Harmony pre-exists within Chaos itself ."


