The Art of Presence

The Art of Presence

A theme in my yoga classes recently has been about reprogramming our mind through awareness.

You know there's so much chatter about working towards something ...

Really, I'd invite you to take some time to think about it...

In my book?SOUL / Life Balance,?we explore?the conditioned state?to?seek externally?to chase, to fix, and to complete.?

There's this notion of?needing?to?do?something, as if we aren't already whole and that we must consistently be working on improving upon our defected Self.

Well, the truth is that you are whole, you are complete ...

Our inner critic (AKA the negative voices that plague the mind) are a result of external programming designed to keep the masses in a limited state (AKA "victim mentality).

Victim mentality manifests as simple as thoughts that start with "why did this happen?to?me", rather than "why did this happen?for?me" ... Victim Mentality is a massive rabbit hole in itself and in?my book?we go down to the depths of this dark place that it keeps one in to provide the rope to pull yourself up on out of it.

SO, with all of this in mind it's time that we talk about how we can actually reprogram the mind. Truth is, it's simple. It starts and ends with your awareness around your thought patterns. "The 90 Second Rule" states that "when a person has a reaction to something in their environment, there's a 90 second chemical process that happens in the body; after that, any remaining emotional response is just the person choosing to stay in the emotional loop".

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches that amongst our 70,000 thoughts a day, over 80% of our thoughts are the same as the day before. Therefore, if we do not have awareness around our thoughts, beliefs and routine actions and behaviors we will be caught in a seemingly despairing "Groundhog Day".

NOW, I do want to state as well that this is a generalization. I'm not trying to say that everyone in the world every day is living in despair. I'm speaking to the masses and this lack of connection that most feel whether it be consciously or unconsciously.?

AND if you're currently in some sort of mood, going through a Dark Night of the Soul or you just realize that you would like to bring more light, joy, love and abundance into your life ... well then,?listen to my recent podcast?with Dom The Hypnotist.

In this episode?we go deep about how you can rewire your mind to program yourself for Success. To retrain your auto state to be one which serves you, your dream life and contributes to everyone around you.

In my yoga classes, I teach about how dropping into the moving meditation that is yoga allows one to be more present with their thoughts and how applying this learned skill to daily life off the yoga mat is where the real magic happens.

For more, check out this latest episode of my?Soul Seekr podcast?with Dom The Hypnotist where we explore all the ways to move beyond the conditioned limited state to reprogram your mind in ways that serve you best.

To Presence,


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