The Art of prequalifying Customers:

The Art of prequalifying Customers:

One of the biggest problems, we entrepreneurs face, is that we simply don't know what customers are buyers and when other times, they are simply wasting our time. This applies in dating, finding friendships, getting promotions and finding good workers, is the art of qualifying these prospects in order to find out whether they have what we desire and will provide a long-term mutually beneficial relationship, which doesn't prove to be exceedingly damaging to both the amount of capital we invest in customer acquisition and customer retention. Customer acquisition costs time and capital, that is best used elsewhere rather than perpetually bleeding more clients, than what you take in on any given basis.

One thing, that marketing has taught me is that while high traffic flows our useful in generating high amount of leads these high-quantity leads become useless if we do not know what we are looking for to generate an infinite amount of profit. In other-words you can find a million leads of potential buyers, but we are making a valuation of "high quantity of buyers" vs "high-quality" buyers who will consistently follow the 80/20 rule and generate 80% of our profits. We can generate proportional profits with High traffic but it's akin to finding a needle in a haystake, sure I can generate 1 million dollars for 10,000 crappy customers or I could generate the same amount from 50 rich customers who have brought from me for 10 years, who provided me an exponential return of 10 million dollars. Quality beats quantity every-time, especially in terms of customer-traffic. Furthermore, In accordance with 80/20 rule, 80% of your revenue will always come from 20% of your customers who actually believe in what your doing and this profit is generated accordingly through these explicit efforts. High audience traffic is useful, like saying in dating if have 30 prospects, but it's totally useless, if I don't know what I want and what I am looking for. Their is two approaches to qualifying the prospects as buyers, one you can interrogate them, which doesn't really work very well, or you can become what I call polarizing and indirect in what it is that you want. This will force these customers to make a CHOICE, do I believe in this given message or does it not align with my value systems?

The beauty of this is quite simple, it eliminates 80% of the undesirable traffic that costs more money than it actually takes, in the case of dating we can qualify this as how many times I acquire the desired female interactions vs the undesired interactions. Undesired interactions waste up alot of my time and energy to entertain a prospect to buy, buying in dating is simply conversion from prospect into deeper interactions. Thus, the point I distinguish in the realms of marketing is that we want HIGH desired traffic flow of all desired interactions of prospects who have prequalified themselves, or those will do an impulse buy equals higher quarterly profits at the end of the month. Thus, we can go through 10,000 customers and eventually we WILL sell one no matter what or we can simply prequalify all of the useless traffic eliminate those that do not belong, then we can sell the HIGH prequalified traffic, that will correlate to significantly higher amounts of revenue.

Furthermore, marketing teaches us that prequalifying comes from message-brand-marketing of what the message is saying to that X audience. In other-words, if I am a totally polarizing in what I believe and How I act, I REMOVE all those indecisive buyers who might waste my time selling a product which could be, cars, businesses, t-shorts and other things. The more polarizing the more loyal the follower. We do not want half-committed customers, but rather customers who blindly follow our message and enjoy our products precisely because the product is such high quality. Apple, is filthy rich because they have significantly prequalified their audience and their customer-service-base by identifying customers who want quality, high-expense luxury and security of the mac compared to low tech Microsoft OS systems that, are cheaper and harder to use or even modify. The beauty is the 80/20 rule and Apple is worth over a trillion dollars by following the principle of prequalification accordingly. Steve Jobs, is smart isn't he?

The art of purposefully firing prospects through indirect mechanisms, can be done through an effective marketing campaign that argues for X,Y,Z outcomes that you must agree to lest, you create indecisive buyers and waste sales type trying to acquire a good upsale. Therefore, say I want to identify a prospect, I may ask her, what do you think about this? This and this? In doing, I automatically can figure it out in a conversational manner, whether she is a worthy suitor of my time or whether my efforts are better divested elsewhere. Thus, the marketing campaign should explicitly say, who this PRODUCT is FOR and what the NICHE is identified as with DETAILED info, that demands the true 20% of the customers who will ACTUALLY care about what your selling. We must gravitate the correct customers who will ride with us through the rough and the thin, through thick of the water and through the times when that business would run under through mass-lay-offs of low-production workers, inevitably the 20% that we prequalified 10 years ago will give us a reliable product. Like a quality girl who's been qualified, I can expect reliable consistent quality sex, because I qualified every-trait in assurance of the product of what I am looking for which is Sex. Their is nothing unique or deceptive about the traits of prequalification and no it's not discriminatory, rather we are making sure that we do not waste the customers time or my time. Efficiency is key in a good-marketing campaign when are Sales-Funnel is has yet to be filled yet with the hens who lay golden eggs for years to come.

The next act of prequalification of my prospect, is to create an escalating ladder of value, Again I use dating examples because they are the most real and direct examples I can generate. For instance, if a low quality prospect has failed to qualify herself she may only get level 1 of the value ladder which is a walk in the park, because the higher the level of qualification the greater the value ladder. Would you take a random stranger to the highest level of your value ladder in expectation of Sex. Ofcourse not. You don't know if this person is interested in your Value-Ladder-Sales-Funnel, therefore, we give away free-value to create a buy in to sale more products of my prequalified prospects. In the case of a value ladder we follow this logic QUIZ THEM----> FREE CONTENT---> 30 MIN CONSULTATION----> 3 HOUR SEMINAR FOR 500$----> 1 ON 1 COACHING SESSION FOR 2000 PER MONTH----> PERSONALLY SIGNED BOOK AND LIFE-TIME COACHING FOR 10,000. In this conception of the value ladder, I have created a basic sales-funnel where we can sale them various products, goods and services and through this funnel, we can keep selling higher and higher value, so that we can appease their impulse purchase nature. The QUIZ SERVE, to prequalify my prospect, then I will give them free value to create a debt burden that they will feel obligated to complete then, I will sell them a 3 hour seminar and continue selling more bundles of value to this prequalified prospect. Like during a date with a high quality prospect, if After 5 hours one gets correct signals then I will escalate the interaction to taking that person home for the night to give them total value. I say this jokingly. But it's absolutely true because any foolish nice-guy will qualify EVERY potential GIRL blindly without comprehending of how much of an abhorrent waste of time it is. He WILL CATER to every customer and sell his product(HIM) to target X and go through his SCRIPT to attain his conversion---> phone number. WHAT a waste of TIME. He will be angry and exhausted because he is randomly selling to EVERY SUITOR without having a value ladder or sales-funnel and he doesn't even know what HE WANTS. Don't be the nice-guy business or the Chad-Business will put you out of business. Do you want that for yourself?

In fact, the art of prequalifying is also about NOT pleasing every-customer, you cannot please customers because they are emotional irrational creatures who get swept up in a tornado of emotional oxytocin without understanding their long-term interests. Why would you cater to emotional irrationality? Exactly, you don't. In fact, I WANT my other prospects to HATE ME Because, I only want a certain CUSTOMER, to show me their cards, Do you want to buy or not? If not, then we must continually flow that traffic and keep qualifying and disqualifying repeatedly and our conversion rate of selling that product will increase accordingly. Disqualify ruthlessly because non-prequalified customers are enemies just like businesses, because they tend to complain, whine, write annoying unsubstantiated reviews that are often not true and are simply energy life-force sucking vampires that waste your life-force in meaningless activities that simply do not matter. A business is a venture towards optimizing are prequalification means and it comes through identifying their needs, anticipating those needs and acting proactively to those needs. Accept that you will never please every customer, it's impossible and you don't want too. It's too much work, I am lazy and I do not want to work hard, I want the customers to do all the work by buying the product and me simply presenting it to them accordingly.

When we prequalify the customer, look for obvious signs, does it feel right? What is your gut telling you? Trust your gut, it will never lead you astray, only by following what you feel can you really see whether that customer is true or not. Just like dating, if it doesn't feel right then it doesn't matter, she can LOOK good on paper all day but unless it feels right she is eliminated. Look for signs, is the customer looking around? Do they seem uncertain? What does their body-language look like? Are they, certain of their intention? How do they dress? Look for signals whenever you can for signs of whether or not they are a worthy suitor to sell your product to. I remember when I used to sell vapes at a KIOSK, I would actively look for signs, energy, eye contact and look for whatever I could find to sell this vape or do demo to figure out whether or not I can get a quick conversion and monetize that customer. Develop prequalification of customers through a strong email-campaign, be polarizing with your copy-writer and set up a predictable psychology that would yield predictable and measurable results, if we cannot consistently find a pattern then it is useless and should be eliminated accordingly. Otherwise, we will never expand our company beyond a small-business of self-employment is that what you want for yourself?

Lastly, focus on measuring your marketing and after sales from prequalifying, after you have prequalified those customers, make a predictable database of those traits and track and measure it, so you can remember why that prequalification strategy worked in the past. We always WANT to measure our activities, if I am unable to measure my marketing success of prequalified strategy then I won't remember how to do it in the future and I will be perpetually guessing as to how to replicate this result. Then, we can systematize this template of prequalification into every aspect of the business, from marketing, to product lines, to content creation, to podcasting and doing so, we continue to generate good income that is almost passive income in nature, because I can expect a consistent measurable result. Make sure to crunch the numbers and see the money flow to your business and then the next-topic, I may discuss is the notions of scaling that business. That's for next time, make sure you qualify your customers or waste your damn time dealing with toxic-losers who complain and whine, just like the damn girl who never shuts up. You should have never dated her from the start! It's your fault for not prequalifying! Ignore my message and expect to hear her rant about stupid gossip that doesn't matter! Prequalify! Prequalify! Prequalify! Goodluck.


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