The art and power of delegation
Delegation is vital for organisations who wish to grow from small to medium and beyond. The solopreneurs who had control of every aspect of their business need to adapt their management style and allow others to pick up key tasks. It’s not easy and we see many a small business struggle to grow because one person can’t loosen the reins. HR Revolution take great pleasure in helping businesses with the art of delegation, providing behind-the-scenes advice and guidance based on experience.
As an example of how to delegate. Spotify appear to be masters. Their company is organised into ‘squads’ which are 8 people max and, wait for this; self-organised, cross-functional and co-located. Squads don’t have a leader unless they choose to informally appoint one (in our experience this is almost certain to happen naturally). Squads own the products they are responsible for developing, right through the life cycle with success being judged by internal and external reviews.
As Spotify have identified when you delegate responsibility you need to also delegate authority.
David Ogilvy, the renowned advertising guru said ‘“Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.”
When an organisation has mastered their recruitment to have good people at every level who are ready to accept delegated authority, who want to make decisions and take actions, who share the company vision, then delegation makes future growth achievable. Remove the bottle necks, empower and with authority also comes increased job satisfaction.
If you would like to discuss further how we can help grow your business just get in touch! We can assess your needs and provide a strategy plan to expand your business, to get started drop us an email at?[email protected].