The art of persuasion
Mazen Kloub, Msc, cscp
Logistics senior professional- E-commerce, Freight Forwarding, Warehousing & distribution, Project & Strategic Management, Business Administration.
Have you ever wondered why some members in your sales force are more successful than others? Why some people are more successful in convincing others in a certain principle or idea? What is it that they do right? Is it the choice of words? Body language? tone? Looks? Or a mix of all?
The Art of Persuasion!
Before going a bit more into it, it is worthwhile to start with the definition of the word Persuasion – as defined by Britannica – is “The process by which a person’s attitudes or behaviour are, without duress, influenced by communications from other people” hence, the Art of persuasion is extremely useful in securing a new client, convincing people of an idea, selling a product, convince someone to change their attitude/behavior, even convince someone to stop smoking...etc.
How to become a successful persuasive person?
In his book “The one sentence persuasion course” Blair warren outlined five key factors
“People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.”– Adapted from Blair Warren’s
To be a successful persuasive person, you must align yourself to the above five points when trying to convince your customers with a product or a service or even a concept.
1) Justify Failures
Because we are emotional creatures, no one wishes to feel like they have failed, therefore, deflecting the failure to a foreign element and assuring your prospect client that it was not his sole responsibility is indeed essential.
2) Allay Fears
Help people face their fears, acknowledge them, and provide them evidence that while their fear is justified, you have the solutions. Offer support. Trying to comfort your audience by saying “Don’t be afraid” would not do it.
3) Throw Rocks at Enemies
The enemy of my enemy is my friend! Everyone you meet has his own struggle, find out who that enemy is and create the bond.
4) Confirm suspicions
People like their suspicions to be confirmed, that is, they could believe everything you have said however, their suspicions remain hidden sometimes.
Address the elephant in the room!
5) Encourage dreams
Be the beacon of light and encourage the dreams in this harsh world we live in.
Other elements like calling the prospect in his first name, selecting the right setting (Office, restaurant...etc.) is essential as well.
While the above can be used in a very manipulative manner, however, any tool can be!