Art outsource services for indie developers
Ekaterina Khabibullina

Art outsource services for indie developers

Art outsource services for indie developers

There is an idea that graphic outsource services is some kind of privilege for big companies with huge budgets. It seems there's some truth to that but devil is in the details as usual. Spoiler: indie developers can afford outsource services, let us tell you why.

Quality over quantity

For Indie developers we can offer project review and limited number of particular artworks for their projects. It is how all projects start at our studio: art-directors make a summary for art-team. Together with producers they choose which particular pieces of the project will be the key for general style of the game. It can be one location, one character or UI for main screen, but this very first things will set the mood for other similar from technical point of view elements. With respect to big production, after this research stage we start to work as "conveyor belt" using very first key elements as a standard. It goes without saying that offering a full pack of graphics may be overprice for indie developers. But if we'll create an art pillars for you it'll be much easier to keep professional vision working with your team even if you have no art director. As pleasant bonus you can use this "starter pack" as promotional graphics.

Artist per month

Outstaff has its pros and cons, and our "artist per month" solution is similar to this. Outstaff implies that our artist should work for you separately from our processes. It would mean unexpected result because we lose art-directors, producers and managers from this pipeline, and, what's more important it's additional stress for artists. Our "artist per month" means that you can book one of our artists subject to the possibility provide us constant tasks flow. No matter what kind of tasks it'll be our responsibility is to ensure one specialist who can help you with that. The nicest thing here is that art-direction and producing are still included to pipelines. As a result, you have one specialist for month and our team behind his/hers back.

A lower price is not a lower quality

The price of art outsourced services consist of many things and one thing is graphics complexity. Nevertheless, complexity and level of details have no influence on quality itself. We can use easier pipelines, simplify art approach regarding lighting, texturing, coloring parts etc. But our art-directors and producers still are guarantors of quality. Pac-man, Tetris, doodle jump, you name it, have simple but iconic graphic. We don't mean here that simple graphics can't fit the complex gameplay, visual novels, card games even strategy games may have its own simplified memorable style.

Where to start

If you're indie developer we suggest you to check and prioritize your tasks from art point of view. You can feel free to discuss this part with our art-directors during the negotiation. If you already have art vision for your project you can ask us to make art-review or create tasks at once and "choose your fighter" for month. At the end of the day no matter which stage of art production you're on, communication is the key, you can openly tell us about your costs expectation and we will show you what kind of best effort we can guarantee you.


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