The Art of the Off Market Deal
The highest level of commercial real estate is the off market property sale. It is special and elusive. When it comes together it is the masterwork of a broker who is a local expert.
Why does it exist and as a buyer how do you get access to it
It exists for several reasons.
1- Privacy, an owner occupied seller does not want his employees or his competition to know that he is making a change. An owner landlord does not want his tenants to know.
2- A seller is willing to sell his building but is not ready to commit to a broker yet. He may be interviewing several brokers and does not want to give a broker an exclusive.
3- A seller may have a sale number in mind, but no specific plans to sell. A broker may creatively put a buyer and seller together. The best brokers understand a buyer's and sellers motivations and can connect the two unsolicited.
4 -A broker may have an exclusive and will take a short amount of time and market it to the clients he feels are most likely to buy it before he broadcasts it out to the whole world.
How to get access to these off market properties as a buyer.
1-Having a good relationship with a broker certainly gets you there. For professional investors who are buying properties to rent out, historically offering brokers an exclusive on the rental of the purchased property may get you early peek.
2-Straight forward simple buyers with a history of closing deals get up on a broker's list. If a broker believes a fast easy deal can be made that buyer gets the introduction.
3-Making it abundantly clear to a broker that the buyer has the money to close on a property.
4-Tight lips. Remember a broker may be showing an off market property. He runs a giant risk the buyer telling someone else about this property, especially another broker. This property represents the method in which the broker makes a living. By exposing this “hidden” building to the buyer, he is exposing what could have been years of ground work. Trust is extremely important. If a broker is not sure about the buyer's loyalty, he will never see the building.
5-The broker must know in his heart that the buyer will not attempt to circumvent him and do a direct deal with the seller.
The off market property is very special and must be treated as the gem that it is. This building may meet a specific need of a buyer and he is the only one to see it. He has an opportunity that most people do not have.
It is a great dance, a game of odds and strategy. It only happens when tons of work is done before hand. A good broker has access to the off market properties and also has access to the buyers. In addition, to make this whole dance go on steroids, the broker is able to use cooperating brokers to match the buyers and sellers. Sometimes multiple brokers.
Trust becomes the utmost importance in off market sales. Broker networks run on understanding of each other's motivations. A broker looking to build a long term successful business will not destroy the trust by side stepping a broker who introduced them to an off market property. This would include the broker trying to do a direct deal with that seller. A broker looking to make a fast hit without regard to reputation will never get access to these networks.