The Art of the Multi-Channel Networking “Slide”: How to Get that Coffee Chat!
Hey, Career Hustlers! ??
Ever sent a DM to your dream company's honcho and heard... crickets?
Yeah, that digital void is about as warm and inviting as a polar vortex.
But worry not!
Because while 70% of the masses might be cool with one shot and a silent retreat, you, my savvy friend, are about to learn the art of the Multi-Channel Networking Slide.
Step 1: Warm Up The Cold Email
Navigating the cold email landscape can feel like tiptoeing through a minefield, blindfolded. But worry not. We’re about to arm you with a gem from Steve Dalton, Career Expert and author of the 2 Hour Job Search, that turns the cold into warm with just six points. Sounds magical, right?
Begin by uncloaking the ‘stranger’ aura—find your ‘tribe’ with the recipient. Dive into their LinkedIn, Twitter, or company bio and find that golden nugget of commonality. Did they attend the same university? Share an unyielding love for espresso? Bingo, that’s your in.
Now, structure your email with these six cardinal points:
Remember, brevity is your friend, and personalization your ally. This isn’t about mass production but artful crafting. Each email is a masterpiece, tailor-made for its recipient. You’re not just building links—you’re crafting relationships.
With Dalton’s six-point charm, watch the cold email terrain transform. It's not just about landing a response; it’s about igniting a connection. Warm, personal, and respectful—that’s the ethos we swear by. Make each word count, and let every email be the bridge that turns strangers into allies.
Step 2: Embrace “The Power of a Sequence”
Hold on, Tiger. If there's no reply in two days, it's not a 'no'. It's a 'nudge me again'.
Might not be familiar with the term sequence as it relates to networking.. but hey, that is why we are here!?
By sequence, we mean - before you send the first message, you should already have a set plan on what you will say next and when you will say it (that follow up message).
Step 3: The LinkedIn Boomerang
Slide into their LinkedIn with a connection request:
"Hey [Name], reached out a few days ago via email. Would love to link up here and, if possible, snag 20 minutes of your wisdom about Amazon. Let's caffeinate and converse?"
Here's the tea ??:
Our sneaky spies (okay, just some thorough research) have found that this double-tap method pumps up the response rate by a whopping 90%!
Why does this work?
For starters, we're all swamped ??.
Your email might've gotten buried under the avalanche of "urgent" memos and sneaker ads.
Secondly, seeing your name pop up in two places?
It's the good ol' "Ah, this person is serious" nudge.
So, next time you're reaching for the networking stars, don't be that lone LinkedIn desperado.
Two channels, one mission: to get you that coffee chat you deserve.
Now, go forth and slide into those DMs like the networking ninja you were born to be.
Catch you on the flip side, Your Ultimate Career Co-Pilot, CareerOS ?? ???
P.S. Let's be real: everyone's got a story of being left on 'read'.
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